Nicole West
Nicole West
Assistant Professor in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Central Michigan University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cmich.edu
Regolith production and transport at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Part 2: Insights from meteoric 10Be
N West, E Kirby, P Bierman, R Slingerland, L Ma, D Rood, S Brantley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (3), 1877-1896, 2013
Regolith production and transport in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, part 1: insights from U‐series isotopes
L Ma, F Chabaux, N West, E Kirby, L Jin, S Brantley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (2), 722-740, 2013
Aspect-dependent variations in regolith creep revealed by meteoric 10Be
N West, E Kirby, P Bierman, BA Clarke
Geology 42 (6), 507-510, 2014
Oxidative dissolution under the channel leads geomorphological evolution at the Shale Hills catchment
PL Sullivan, SA Hynek, X Gu, K Singha, T White, N West, H Kim, B Clarke, ...
American Journal of Science 316 (10), 981-1026, 2016
Laser vision: lidar as a transformative tool to advance critical zone science
AA Harpold, JA Marshall, SW Lyon, TB Barnhart, BA Fisher, M Donovan, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (6), 2881-2897, 2015
CZ-tope at Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO: Synthesizing multiple isotope proxies to elucidate Critical Zone processes across timescales in a temperate forested landscape
PL Sullivan, L Ma, N West, L Jin, DL Karwan, J Noireaux, G Steinhoefel, ...
Chemical Geology 445, 103-119, 2016
Susquehanna Shale Hills critical zone observatory: Shale Hills in the context of Shaver's Creek Watershed
SL Brantley, T White, N West, JZ Williams, B Forsythe, D Shapich, J Kaye, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-19, 2018
Climate preconditions the Critical Zone: Elucidating the role of subsurface fractures in the evolution of asymmetric topography
N West, E Kirby, AA Nyblade, SL Brantley
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 513, 197-205, 2019
Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA
RA DiBiase, AR Denn, PR Bierman, E Kirby, N West, AJ Hidy
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 504, 163-173, 2018
Responses of chemical erosion rates to transient perturbations in physical erosion rates, and implications for relationships between chemical and physical erosion rates in …
KL Ferrier, N West
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 447-456, 2017
Growing new generations of critical zone scientists
AS Wymore, NR West, K Maher, PL Sullivan, A Harpold, D Karwan, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (14), 2498-2502, 2017
Mineral weathering and bedrock weakening: Modeling microscale bedrock damage under biotite weathering
X Shen, C Arson, KL Ferrier, N West, S Dai
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (11), 2623-2646, 2019
Preliminary estimates of regolith generation and mobility in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania, using meteoric 10Be
N West, E Kirby, P Bierman, D Rood
Applied Geochemistry 26, S146-S148, 2011
EON-ROSE and the Canadian Cordillera Array-Building Bridges to Span Earth System Science in Canada
KJE Boggs, RC Aster, P Audet, G Brunet, RM Clowes, ...
Geoscience Canada 45 (2), 97-109, 2018
Anisotropy and microcrack propagation induced by weathering, regional stresses and topographic stresses
T Xu, X Shen, M Reed, N West, KL Ferrier, C Arson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (7), e2022JB024518, 2022
Arsenic release from chlorine-promoted alteration of a sulfide cement horizon: Evidence from batch studies on the St. Peter Sandstone, Wisconsin, USA
N West, M Schreiber, M Gotkowitz
Applied geochemistry 27 (11), 2215-2224, 2012
Geologic sources of arsenic in coastal Maine, New England: From bedrock sulfides to secondary minerals
RA Ayuso, NK Foley, GR Robinson Jr, J Dillingham, G Wandless, N West, ...
Geol. Soc. of Am., Abs. with Prog 35, 521, 2003
Rock-water pathways for arsenic in weathering meta-shales: Mineralogical evidence of dominant processes
NK Foley, RA Ayuso, N West, J Dillingham, RG Marvinney, R Wanty, ...
Water Rock Interaction, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium 2 …, 2004
Water-regolith-energy Interaction in Landscape Evolution and Its Influence on Forming Asymmetric Landscape: An Example from the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory of Central …
Y Zhang, RL Slingerland, Y Shi, C Duffy, N West
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, EP33D-06, 2015
Corrigendum: Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons: Linking Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease
JL Martinez, MD Zammit, NR West, BT Christian, A Bhattacharyya
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13, 742233, 2021
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