Matthew Favetti
Matthew Favetti
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ucdavis.edu
Advanced plug-in electric vehicle travel and charging behavior final report
G Tal, SS Raghavan, VC Karanam, MP Favetti, KM Sutton, JH Lee, C Nitta, ...
California Air Resources Board Contract, 12-319, 2020
Emerging technology zero emission vehicle household travel and refueling behavior
G Tal, VC Karanam, MP Favetti, KM Sutton, JM Ogunmayin, SS Raghavan, ...
Exploring the use of a web based map tool for travel behavior data collection: lessons from plug-in vehicle owner surveys
G Tal, M Favetti, M Nicholas
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
Validity assessment and calibration approach for simulation models of energy efficiency of light-duty vehicles
K Hamza, KC Chu, M Favetti, P Benoliel, V Karanam, K Laberteaux, G Tal
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
Comparisons of Real-World Vehicle Energy Efficiency with Dynamometer-Based Ratings and Simulation Models
K Hamza, KC Chu, M Favetti, PK Benoliel, V Karanam, KP Laberteaux, ...
World Electric Vehicle Journal 12 (4), 161, 2021
EV Explorer: Evaluating a Vehicle Informational Tool
A Sanguinetti, MA Nicholas, G Tal, M Favetti
Developing a Vehicle Cost Calculator to Promote Electric Vehicle Adoption Among TNC Drivers
A Sanguinetti, M Favetti, K Hirschfelt, N Kong, D Chakraborty, ...
Electric Vehicle Explorer: Educating and persuading consumers with an online vehicle energy cost calculator
A Sanguinetti, K Salmon, M Nicholas, G Tal, M Favetti
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Designing Pleasurable Experiences …, 2017
EV Explorer 2.0: An Online Vehicle Cost Calculator for Gig Drivers Considering Going Electric
A Sanguinetti, K Hirschfelt, D Chakraborty, M Favetti, N Kong, ...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 233-252, 2024
EV Explorer: Educating and Persuading Consumers with an OnlineVehicle Energy Cost Calculator
A Sanguinetti, K Salmon, M Nicholas, G Tal, M Favetti
Keeping track to stay on track for zero net energy: Modeling building and end use consumption targets for a ZNE community
A Sanguinetti, R McMurry, M Favetti, B Huang, S Sikand, K Dombrovski, ...
Understanding Travel Demand and Built Environment Factors to Optimize Increased Zero Emission Vehicle Access in Underserved Communities
S Hardman, JM Barajas, K Hoogland, M Shafaeen, RS Jung, ...
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