Philip W. L. Fong
Relationship-based access control: protection model and policy language
PWL Fong
Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Data and application security and …, 2011
A privacy preservation model for facebook-style social network systems
PWL Fong, M Anwar, Z Zhao
European symposium on research in computer security, 303-320, 2009
Access control by tracking shallow execution history
PWL Fong
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2004. Proceedings. 2004, 43-55, 2004
Relationship-based access control policies and their policy languages
PWL Fong, I Siahaan
Proceedings of the 16th ACM symposium on Access control models and …, 2011
Relationship-based access control: its expression and enforcement through hybrid logic
G Bruns, PWL Fong, I Siahaan, M Huth
Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Data and Application Security …, 2012
On designing an experiment to evaluate a reverse engineering tool
MAD Storey, K Wong, P Fong, D Hooper, K Hopkins, HA Muller
Proceedings of WCRE'96: 4rd Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 31-40, 1996
Preventing Sybil attacks by privilege attenuation: A design principle for social network systems
PWL Fong
2011 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 263-278, 2011
Techniques for trusted software engineering
P Devanbu, PWL Fong, SG Stubblebine
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Software engineering …, 1998
Relationship-based access control for an open-source medical records system
SZR Rizvi, PWL Fong, J Crampton, J Sellwood
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and …, 2015
Towards defining semantic foundations for purpose-based privacy policies
M Jafari, PWL Fong, R Safavi-Naini, K Barker, NP Sheppard
Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Data and application security and …, 2011
A visualization tool for evaluating access control policies in facebook-style social network systems
M Anwar, PWL Fong
Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1443-1450, 2012
Visualizing privacy implications of access control policies in social network systems
M Anwar, PWL Fong, XD Yang, H Hamilton
International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, 106-120, 2009
A quantitative study of hypothesis selection
PWL Fong
Machine Learning Proceedings 1995, 226-234, 1995
Proof linking: Modular verification of mobile programs in the presence of lazy, dynamic linking
PWL Fong, RD Cameron
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 9 (4), 379-409, 2000
Proof linking: An architecture for modular verification of dynamically-linked mobile code
PWL Fong, RD Cameron
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of …, 1998
Access control models for geo-social computing systems
E Tarameshloo, PWL Fong
Proceedings of the 19th ACM symposium on Access control models and …, 2014
Policy negotiation for co-owned resources in relationship-based access control
P Mehregan, PWL Fong
Proceedings of the 21st ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and …, 2016
Papilio: Visualizing android application permissions
MH Loorak, PWL Fong, S Carpendale
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (3), 391-400, 2014
Unintended disclosure of information: Inference attacks by third-party extensions to Social Network Systems
SH Ahmadinejad, PWL Fong
Computers & security 44, 75-91, 2014
Satisfiability and feasibility in a relationship-based workflow authorization model
AA Khan, PWL Fong
Computer Security–ESORICS 2012: 17th European Symposium on Research in …, 2012
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