Mohammad Mavadati
Mohammad Mavadati
Lead Computer Vision Scientist, Affectiva Inc.
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na du.edu - Domača stran
Disfa: A spontaneous facial action intensity database
SM Mavadati, MH Mahoor, K Bartlett, P Trinh, JF Cohn
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 4 (2), 151-160, 2013
AFFDEX SDK: a cross-platform real-time multi-face expression recognition toolkit
D McDuff, A Mahmoud, M Mavadati, M Amr, J Turcot, R Kaliouby
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2016
Nonverbal social withdrawal in depression: Evidence from manual and automatic analyses
JM Girard, JF Cohn, MH Mahoor, SM Mavadati, Z Hammal, ...
Image and vision computing 32 (10), 641-647, 2014
Social risk and depression: Evidence from manual and automatic facial expression analysis
JM Girard, JF Cohn, MH Mahoor, S Mavadati, DP Rosenwald
2013 10th IEEE international conference and workshops on automatic face and …, 2013
Analysis of image content with associated manipulation of expression presentation
R El Kaliouby, MA Fouad, A Mahmoud, S Mavadati, D McDuff
US Patent App. 15/374,447, 2017
Extended disfa dataset: Investigating posed and spontaneous facial expressions
M Mavadati, P Sanger, MH Mahoor
proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
Facial action unit recognition with sparse representation
MH Mahoor, M Zhou, KL Veon, SM Mavadati, JF Cohn
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …, 2011
Facial expression recognition using -norm MKL multiclass-SVM
X Zhang, MH Mahoor, SM Mavadati
Machine Vision and Applications 26 (4), 467-483, 2015
Multimodal machine learning for emotion metrics
R El Kaliouby, S Mavadati, T Mishra, T Peacock, PJ Turcot
US Patent 10,628,741, 2020
Cognitive state evaluation for vehicle navigation
R El Kaliouby, AN Mahmoud, S Mavadati, PJ Turcot
US Patent 10,922,566, 2021
Measuring the intensity of spontaneous facial action units with dynamic Bayesian network
Y Li, SM Mavadati, MH Mahoor, Y Zhao, Q Ji
Pattern Recognition 48 (11), 3417-3427, 2015
Vehicle manipulation using convolutional image processing
PJ Turcot, R El Kaliouby, AN Mahmoud, S Mavadati
US Patent 11,017,250, 2021
Vehicle manipulation using occupant image analysis
G Zijderveld, R El Kaliouby, AN Mahmoud, S Mavadati
US Patent 10,627,817, 2020
A unified probabilistic framework for measuring the intensity of spontaneous facial action units
Y Li, SM Mavadati, MH Mahoor, Q Ji
2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and …, 2013
A lp-norm MTMKL framework for simultaneous detection of multiple facial action units
X Zhang, MH Mahoor, SM Mavadati, JF Cohn
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 1104-1111, 2014
Mental state analysis using blink rate for vehicles
R El Kaliouby, AN Mahmoud, S Mavadati, PJ Turcot
US Patent 10,074,024, 2018
Image analysis for attendance query evaluation
R El Kaliouby, N Langeveld, D McDuff, S Mavadati
US Patent App. 15/061,385, 2016
Automatic detection of non-posed facial action units
SM Mavadati, MH Mahoor, K Bartlett, P Trinh
2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1817-1820, 2012
Robot-based therapeutic protocol for training children with Autism
SM Mavadati, H Feng, M Salvador, S Silver, A Gutierrez, MH Mahoor
2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2016
Vehicular cognitive data collection using multiple devices
R El Kaliouby, AN Mahmoud, S Mavadati, PJ Turcot
US Patent 10,592,757, 2020
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