Hong Xing
Joint task assignment and resource allocation for D2D-enabled mobile-edge computing
H Xing, L Liu, J Xu, A Nallanathan
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (6), 4193-4207, 2019
Secrecy Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Fading Wiretap Channel
H Xing, L Liu, R Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015
Secure Resource Allocation for OFDMA Relay Wireless Sensor Networks Without and With Cooperative Jamming
H Zhang, H Xing, J Cheng, A Nallanathan, VCM Leung
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2015
Multiple-antenna-assisted non-orthogonal multiple access
Y Liu, H Xing, C Pan, A Nallanathan, M Elkashlan, L Hanzo
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (2), 17-23, 2018
Secrecy Rate Optimizations for a MISO Secrecy Channel with Multiple Multi-Antenna Eavesdroppers
Z Chu, H Xing, M Johnston, S Le Goff
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2015
Federated learning over wireless device-to-device networks: Algorithms and convergence analysis
H Xing, O Simeone, S Bi
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (12), 3723-3741, 2021
Decentralized federated learning via SGD over wireless D2D networks
H Xing, O Simeone, S Bi
2020 IEEE 21st international workshop on signal processing advances in …, 2020
Physical layer security jamming: Theoretical limits and practical designs in wireless networks
K Cumanan, H Xing, P Xu, G Zheng, X Dai, A Nallanathan, Z Ding, ...
IEEE Access 5, 3603-3611, 2016
To Harvest and Jam: A Paradigm of Self-Sustaining Friendly Jammers for Secure AF Relaying
H Xing, KK Wong, Z Chu, A Nallanathan
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2015
Wireless powered cooperative jamming for secrecy multi-AF relaying networks
H Xing, KK Wong, A Nallanathan, R Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (12), 7971-7984, 2016
Optimal throughput fairness tradeoffs for downlink non-orthogonal multiple access over fading channels
H Xing, Y Liu, A Nallanathan, Z Ding, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (6), 3556-3571, 2018
Joint downlink/uplink design for wireless powered networks with interference
PD Diamantoulakis, KN Pappi, GK Karagiannidis, H Xing, A Nallanathan
IEEE Access 5, 1534-1547, 2017
Real-time resource allocation for wireless powered multiuser mobile edge computing with energy and task causality
F Wang, H Xing, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (11), 7140-7155, 2020
Joint task assignment and wireless resource allocation for cooperative mobile-edge computing
H Xing, L Liu, J Xu, A Nallanathan
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2018
Harvest-and-jam: Improving security for wireless energy harvesting cooperative networks
H Xing, Z Chu, Z Ding, A Nallanathan
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 3145-3150, 2014
Optimizing DF cognitive radio networks with full-duplex-enabled energy access points
H Xing, X Kang, KK Wong, A Nallanathan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (7), 4683-4697, 2017
Energy-efficient mobile-edge computation offloading for applications with shared data
X He, H Xing, Y Chen, A Nallanathan
2018 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
Joint resource allocation and cache placement for location-aware multi-user mobile-edge computing
J Chen, H Xing, X Lin, A Nallanathan, S Bi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (24), 25698-25714, 2022
Security-aware cross-layer resource allocation for heterogeneous wireless networks
L Xu, H Xing, A Nallanathan, Y Yang, T Chai
IEEE Transactions on communications 67 (2), 1388-1399, 2018
Secure wireless energy harvesting-enabled AF-relaying SWIPT networks
H Xing, KK Wong, A Nallanathan
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2307-2312, 2015
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