Jens Lehmann
Jens Lehmann
Principal Scientist at Amazon Inc., Honorary Professor at TU Dresden
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DBpedia: A nucleus for a web of open data
S Auer, C Bizer, G Kobilarov, J Lehmann, R Cyganiak, Z Ives
International Semantic Web Conference, 722-735, 2008
DBpedia - A large-scale, multilingual knowledge base extracted from Wikipedia
J Lehmann, R Isele, M Jakob, A Jentzsch, D Kontokostas, PN Mendes, ...
Semantic Web Journal 6 (2), 167-195, 2015
DBpedia - A crystallization point for the Web of Data
J Lehmann, C Bizer, G Kobilarov, S Auer, C Becker, R Cyganiak, ...
Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web …, 2009
Quality assessment for Linked Data: A Survey: A systematic literature review and conceptual framework
A Zaveri, A Rula, A Maurino, R Pietrobon, J Lehmann, S Auer
Semantic web 7 (1), 63-93, 2015
Template-based question answering over RDF data
C Unger, L Bühmann, J Lehmann, AC Ngonga Ngomo, D Gerber, ...
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web, 639-648, 2012
OntoWiki - A Tool for Social, Semantic Collaboration
S Auer, S Dietzold, J Lehmann, T Riechert
World Wide Web Conference: Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction …, 2007
LinkedGeoData: A Core for a Web of Spatial Open Data
C Stadler, J Lehmann, K Höffner, S Auer
Semantic Web Journal 3 (4), 333-354, 2012
Triplify: light-weight linked data publication from relational databases
S Auer, S Dietzold, J Lehmann, S Hellmann, D Aumueller
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, 621-630, 2009
DBpedia SPARQL Benchmark–Performance Assessment with Real Queries on Real Data
M Morsey, J Lehmann, S Auer, AC Ngonga Ngomo
International Semantic Web Conference, 454-469, 2011
Linkedgeodata: Adding a spatial dimension to the web of data
S Auer, J Lehmann, S Hellmann
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2009: 8th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2009
Neural network-based question answering over knowledge graphs on word and character level
D Lukovnikov, A Fischer, J Lehmann, S Auer
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on World Wide Web, 1211-1220, 2017
Test-driven evaluation of linked data quality
D Kontokostas, P Westphal, S Auer, S Hellmann, J Lehmann, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World Wide Web, 747-758, 2014
What have Innsbruck and Leipzig in Common? Extracting Semantics from Wiki Content
S Auer, J Lehmann
European Semantic Web Conference 2007, 503-517, 2007
How complex is your classification problem? a survey on measuring classification complexity
AC Lorena, LPF Garcia, J Lehmann, MCP Souto, TK Ho
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (5), 1-34, 2019
Lc-quad: A corpus for complex question answering over knowledge graphs
P Trivedi, G Maheshwari, M Dubey, J Lehmann
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2017: 16th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2017
Integrating NLP using linked data
S Hellmann, J Lehmann, S Auer, M Brümmer
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2013: 12th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2013
Introduction to linked data and its lifecycle on the web
ACN Ngomo, S Auer, J Lehmann, A Zaveri
Reasoning Web International Summer School, 1-99, 2014
Concept learning in description logics using refinement operators
J Lehmann, P Hitzler
Machine Learning 78, 203-250, 2010
Lc-quad 2.0: A large dataset for complex question answering over wikidata and dbpedia
M Dubey, D Banerjee, A Abdelkawi, J Lehmann
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2019: 18th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2019
DL-Learner: learning concepts in description logics
J Lehmann
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 10, 2639-2642, 2009
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