Andrew Keane
Andrew Keane
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ucd.ie
Optimal charging of electric vehicles in low-voltage distribution systems
P Richardson, D Flynn, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27 (1), 268-279, 2011
Optimal allocation of embedded generation on distribution networks
A Keane, M O'Malley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (3), 1640-1646, 2005
State-of-the-art techniques and challenges ahead for distributed generation planning and optimization
A Keane, LF Ochoa, CLT Borges, GW Ault, AD Alarcon-Rodriguez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 1493-1502, 2012
Capacity value of wind power
A Keane, M Milligan, CJ Dent, B Hasche, C D'Annunzio, K Dragoon, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (2), 564-572, 2010
A steady-state voltage stability analysis of power systems with high penetrations of wind
E Vittal, M O'Malley, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (1), 433-442, 2009
Local versus centralized charging strategies for electric vehicles in low voltage distribution systems
P Richardson, D Flynn, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (2), 1020-1028, 2012
Rotor angle stability with high penetrations of wind generation
E Vittal, M O'Malley, A Keane
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 27 (1), 353-362, 2011
Impact assessment of varying penetrations of electric vehicles on low voltage distribution systems
P Richardson, D Flynn, A Keane
IEEE PES general meeting, 1-6, 2010
Enhanced utilization of voltage control resources with distributed generation
A Keane, LF Ochoa, E Vittal, CJ Dent, GP Harrison
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (1), 252-260, 2010
Optimal DR and ESS scheduling for distribution losses payments minimization under electricity price uncertainty
A Soroudi, P Siano, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 7 (1), 261-272, 2015
Residential load modeling of price-based demand response for network impact studies
K McKenna, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (5), 2285-2294, 2015
Visualizing the electrical structure of power systems
P Cuffe, A Keane
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (3), 1810-1821, 2015
Rolling multi-period optimization to control electric vehicle charging in distribution networks
A O'Connell, D Flynn, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (1), 340-348, 2013
Capacity value of wind power, calculation, and data requirements: the Irish power system case
B Hasche, A Keane, M O'Malley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (1), 420-430, 2010
Optimal utilization of distribution networks for energy harvesting
A Keane, M O'Malley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (1), 467-475, 2007
Information gap decision theory based OPF with HVDC connected wind farms
A Rabiee, A Soroudi, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (6), 3396-3406, 2014
Smart and just grids for sub-Saharan Africa: exploring options
M Welsch, M Bazilian, M Howells, D Divan, D Elzinga, G Strbac, L Jones, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 20, 336-352, 2013
Information gap decision theory approach to deal with wind power uncertainty in unit commitment
A Soroudi, A Rabiee, A Keane
Electric Power Systems Research 145, 137-148, 2017
Integration of renewable energy into present and future energy systems
R Sims, PE Mercado, W Krewitt
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Current methods to calculate capacity credit of wind power, IEA collaboration
C Ensslin, M Milligan, H Holttinen, M O'Malley, A Keane
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
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