Amr Mohamed
Amr Mohamed
Professor, Qatar University, senior member IEEE
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na qu.edu.qa - Domača stran
A survey of machine and deep learning methods for internet of things (IoT) security
MA Al-Garadi, A Mohamed, AK Al-Ali, X Du, I Ali, M Guizani
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 22 (3), 1646-1685, 2020
A robust human activity recognition system using smartphone sensors and deep learning
MM Hassan, MZ Uddin, A Mohamed, A Almogren
Future Generation Computer Systems 81, 307-313, 2018
Edge computing for smart health: Context-aware approaches, opportunities, and challenges
AA Abdellatif, A Mohamed, CF Chiasserini, M Tlili, A Erbad
IEEE Network 33 (3), 196-203, 2019
Design challenges of multi-UAV systems in cyber-physical applications: A comprehensive survey and future directions
R Shakeri, MA Al-Garadi, A Badawy, A Mohamed, T Khattab, AK Al-Ali, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (4), 3340-3385, 2019
RF-based drone detection and identification using deep learning approaches: An initiative towards a large open source drone database
MF Al-Sa’d, A Al-Ali, A Mohamed, T Khattab, A Erbad
Future Generation Computer Systems 100, 86-97, 2019
Results from part A of the multi-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled NefIgArd trial, which evaluated targeted-release formulation of budesonide for the …
J Barratt, R Lafayette, J Kristensen, A Stone, D Cattran, J Floege, V Tesar, ...
Kidney international 103 (2), 391-402, 2023
Medge-chain: Leveraging edge computing and blockchain for efficient medical data exchange
AA Abdellatif, L Samara, A Mohamed, A Erbad, CF Chiasserini, M Guizani, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (21), 15762-15775, 2021
Optimal user-edge assignment in hierarchical federated learning based on statistical properties and network topology constraints
N Mhaisen, AA Abdellatif, A Mohamed, A Erbad, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 9 (1), 55-66, 2021
Pervasive AI for IoT applications: A survey on resource-efficient distributed artificial intelligence
E Baccour, N Mhaisen, AA Abdellatif, A Erbad, A Mohamed, M Hamdi, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 24 (4), 2366-2418, 2022
Spatiotemporal data mining: a survey on challenges and open problems
A Hamdi, K Shaban, A Erradi, A Mohamed, SK Rumi, FD Salim
Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-48, 2022
ssHealth: toward secure, blockchain-enabled healthcare systems
AA Abdellatif, AZ Al-Marridi, A Mohamed, A Erbad, CF Chiasserini, ...
IEEE Network 34 (4), 312-319, 2020
DroneRF dataset: A dataset of drones for RF-based detection, classification and identification
MHDS Allahham, MF Al-Sa'd, A Al-Ali, A Mohamed, T Khattab, A Erbad
Data in brief 26, 104313, 2019
Efficient ECG compression and QRS detection for e-health applications
M Elgendi, A Mohamed, R Ward
Scientific reports 7 (1), 459, 2017
Communication-efficient hierarchical federated learning for IoT heterogeneous systems with imbalanced data
AA Abdellatif, N Mhaisen, A Mohamed, A Erbad, M Guizani, Z Dawy, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 128, 406-419, 2022
A survey of blockchain enabled cyber-physical systems
H Rathore, A Mohamed, M Guizani
Sensors 20 (1), 282, 2020
Ensemble classifier for epileptic seizure detection for imperfect EEG data
K Abualsaud, M Mahmuddin, M Saleh, A Mohamed
The Scientific World Journal 2015 (1), 945689, 2015
Multimodal deep learning approach for joint EEG-EMG data compression and classification
AB Said, A Mohamed, T Elfouly, K Harras, ZJ Wang
2017 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2017
Fedgan-ids: Privacy-preserving ids using gan and federated learning
A Tabassum, A Erbad, W Lebda, A Mohamed, M Guizani
Computer Communications 192, 299-310, 2022
Energy efficient path planning techniques for UAV-based systems with space discretization
S Ahmed, A Mohamed, K Harras, M Kholief, S Mesbah
2016 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference, 1-6, 2016
Deep learning for RF-based drone detection and identification: A multi-channel 1-D convolutional neural networks approach
MS Allahham, T Khattab, A Mohamed
2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling …, 2020
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