Valerio Di Valerio
Valerio Di Valerio
Post-Doc Researcher, Computer Science Department, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na di.uniroma1.it
A game-theoretic approach to computation offloading in mobile cloud computing
V Cardellini, V De Nitto Personé, V Di Valerio, F Facchinei, V Grassi, ...
Mathematical Programming 157, 421-449, 2016
CARMA: Channel-aware reinforcement learning-based multi-path adaptive routing for underwater wireless sensor networks
V Di Valerio, FL Presti, C Petrioli, L Picari, D Spaccini, S Basagni
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (11), 2634-2647, 2019
Optimal pricing and service provisioning strategies in cloud systems: a Stackelberg game approach
V Di Valerio, V Cardellini, FL Presti
2013 IEEE sixth international conference on cloud computing, 115-122, 2013
Finding MARLIN: Exploiting Multi-Modal Communications for Reliable and Low-latency Underwater Networking
S Basagni, V Di Valerio, P Gjanci, C Petrioli
To Appear in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2017, 2017
Optimal virtual machines allocation in mobile femto-cloud computing: An MDP approach
V Di Valerio, FL Presti
2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW …, 2014
Game-theoretic resource pricing and provisioning strategies in cloud systems
V Cardellini, V Di Valerio, FL Presti
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13 (1), 86-98, 2016
Harnessing hydro: Harvesting-aware data routing for underwater wireless sensor networks
S Basagni, V Di Valerio, P Gjanci, C Petrioli
Proceedings of the eighteenth ACM international symposium on mobile ad hoc …, 2018
MARLIN-Q: Multi-modal communications for reliable and low-latency underwater data delivery
S Basagni, V Di Valerio, P Gjanci, C Petrioli
Ad Hoc Networks 82, 134-145, 2019
A self-adaptive protocol stack for underwater wireless sensor networks
V Di Valerio, FL Presti, C Petrioli, L Picari, D Spaccini
OCEANS 2016-Shanghai, 1-8, 2016
QoS-aware bidding strategies for VM spot instances: A reinforcement learning approach applied to periodic long running jobs
M Abundo, V Di Valerio, V Cardellini, FL Presti
2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2015
Wake-up radio-enabled routing for green wireless sensor networks
S Basagni, V Di Valerio, G Koutsandria, C Petrioli
2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 1-6, 2017
A reinforcement learning-based data-link protocol for underwater acoustic communications
VD Valerio, C Petrioli, L Pescosolido, M Van Der Shaar
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Underwater Networks …, 2015
WHARP: A wake-up radio and harvesting-based forwarding strategy for green wireless networks
S Basagni, V Di Valerio, G Koutsandria, C Petrioli, D Spenza
2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2017
A scalable and highly available brokering service for SLA-based composite services
A Bellucci, V Cardellini, V Di Valerio, S Iannucci
Service-Oriented Computing: 8th International Conference, ICSOC 2010, San …, 2010
A new approach to QoS driven service selection in service oriented architectures
V Cardellini, V Di Valerio, V Grassi, S Iannucci, FL Presti
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Service Oriented …, 2011
Wake-up radio-based data forwarding for green wireless networks
G Koutsandria, V Di Valerio, D Spenza, S Basagni, C Petrioli
Computer Communications 160, 172-185, 2020
A performance comparison of QoS-driven service selection approaches
V Cardellini, V Di Valerio, V Grassi, S Iannucci, F Lo Presti
Towards a Service-Based Internet: 4th European Conference, ServiceWave 2011 …, 2011
Bidding strategies in QoS-aware cloud systems based on N-armed bandit problems
M Abundo, V Di Valerio, V Cardellini, FL Presti
2014 IEEE 3rd Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications (ncca …, 2014
Method for managing in an adaptive and joint way the routing policy and the retransmission policy of a node in an underwater network, and means for its implementation
C Petrioli, FLO PRESTI, V Di Valerio, D Spaccini, L Picari
US Patent 10,581,533, 2020
QoS Driven Per-Request Load-Aware Service Selection in Service Oriented Architectures.
V Cardellini, V Di Valerio, V Grassi, S Iannucci, FL Presti
Int. J. Softw. Informatics 7 (2), 195-220, 2013
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