Ulrich Ansorge
Ulrich Ansorge
Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of Vienna
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na univie.ac.at - Domača stran
Improving methodological standards in behavioral interventions for cognitive enhancement
C Shawn Green, D Bavelier, AF Kramer, S Vinogradov, U Ansorge, ...
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 3, 2-29, 2019
A response-discrimination account of the Simon effect.
U Ansorge, P Wühr
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 30 (2), 365, 2004
Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit
U Ansorge, H Leder, U Ansorge, H Leder
Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit, 9-25, 2011
Exploring trial-by-trial modulations of the Simon effect
P Wühr, U Ansorge
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 58 (4), 705-731, 2005
It felt fluent, and I liked it: subjective feeling of fluency rather than objective fluency determines liking.
M Forster, H Leder, U Ansorge
Emotion 13 (2), 280, 2013
Intentions determine the effect of invisible metacontrast-masked primes: evidence for top-down contingencies in a peripheral cuing task.
U Ansorge, O Neumann
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 31 (4), 762, 2005
Top-down contingencies in peripheral cuing: The roles of color and location.
U Ansorge, M Heumann
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 29 (5), 937, 2003
Manual and verbal responses to completely masked (unreportable) stimuli: Exploring some conditions for the metacontrast dissociation
U Ansorge, W Klotz, O Neumann
Perception 27 (10), 1177-1189, 1998
Unconscious vision and executive control: How unconscious processing and conscious action control interact
U Ansorge, W Kunde, M Kiefer
Consciousness and cognition 27, 268-287, 2014
A body-related dot-probe task reveals distinct attentional patterns for bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.
J Blechert, U Ansorge, B Tuschen-Caffier
Journal of abnormal psychology 119 (3), 575, 2010
Controlling the unconscious: Attentional task sets modulate subliminal semantic and visuomotor processes differentially
U Martens, U Ansorge, M Kiefer
Psychological science 22 (2), 282-291, 2011
Direct parameter specification of an attention shift: Evidence from perceptual latency priming
I Scharlau, U Ansorge
Vision Research 43 (12), 1351-1363, 2003
Goal-driven attentional capture by invisible colors: Evidence from event-related potentials
U Ansorge, M Kiss, M Eimer
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16 (4), 648-653, 2009
Using eye tracking to test for individual differences in attention to attractive faces
C Valuch, LS Pflüger, B Wallner, B Laeng, U Ansorge
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 42, 2015
The initial stage of visual selection is controlled by top-down task set: New ERP evidence
U Ansorge, M Kiss, F Worschech, M Eimer
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73, 113-122, 2011
Spatial intention–response compatibility
U Ansorge
Acta Psychologica 109 (3), 285-299, 2002
No conflict control in the absence of awareness
U Ansorge, I Fuchs, S Khalid, W Kunde
Psychological Research 75, 351-365, 2011
Can intertrial priming account for the similarity effect in visual search?
SI Becker, U Ansorge, G Horstmann
Vision Research 49 (14), 1738-1756, 2009
Testing the theory of embodied cognition with subliminal words
U Ansorge, M Kiefer, S Khalid, S Grassl, P König
Cognition 116 (3), 303-320, 2010
More efficient rejection of happy than of angry face distractors in visual search
G Horstmann, I Scharlau, U Ansorge
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 13, 1067-1073, 2006
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