Fernando Silvano Gonçalves
Small scale UAV with birotor configuration
FS Gonçalves, JP Bodanese, R Donadel, GV Raffo, JE Normey-Rico, ...
2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 761-768, 2013
Formal verification of AADL models using UPPAAL
FS Goncalves, D Pereira, E Tovar, LB Becker
2017 VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), 117-124, 2017
Managing CPS complexity: Design method for unmanned aerial vehicles
FS Gonçalves, GV Raffo, LB Becker
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (32), 141-146, 2016
Model driven engineering approach to design sensing and actuation subsystems
FS Gonçalves, LB Becker
2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2016
Applying integrated formal methods on CPS design
HA Misson, FS Gonçalves, LB Becker
2019 IX Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), 1-8, 2019
Manufacturing and testing of 3D-printed polymer isogrid lattice cylindrical shell structures
CMA Vasques, FC Gonçalves, AMS Cavadas
Engineering Proceedings 11 (1), 47, 2021
Projeto da arquitetura de software embarcado de um veículo aéreo não tripulado
FS Gonçalves
Assessing the use of simulink on the development process of an unmanned aerial vehicle
FS Goncalves, R Donadel, G Raffo, L Becker
3rd workshop on cyber-physical systems (CyPhy 2013), 2013
Integrated method for designing complex cyber-physical systems
F Gonçalves
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2018
Preparing cyber-physical systems functional models for implementation
FS Gonçalves, LB Becker
2015 Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), 136-141, 2015
Programação eXtrema (XP) x Engenharia de Software
A Cardoso, A Teixeira, DP Tiegs, F Silvano, LS Gonçalves, AF Caldas, ...
Anais SULCOMP 2, 2013
Applying Formal Methods to Build a Safe Continuous-Control Architecture for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
LB Becker, FS Gonçalves, EF Broering, HA Misson, L Cordeiro
VANT autônomo capaz de comunicar com uma rede de sensores sem fio
FS Gonçalves, RAA Alfaro, VD Woyakewicz, PJ Pereira, LB Becker, ...
Assessing the Use of Continuous-Time and Timed-Triggered Models for Designing Cyber-Physical Systems
FS Gonçalves, LB Becker
2014 Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering, 61-66, 2014
Analyzing the Use of Anytime Algorithms on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
LB Becker, GV Raffo, FS Gonçalves
2013 III Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering, 171-172, 2013
Ferramenta para desenvolvimento de Sistemas Inteligentes Baseada em Teorias para Modelagem da Incerteza
EL da Rocha, PWT de Azevedo Simões, LA da Silva, FS Gonçalves, ...
Anais SULCOMP 4, 2008
Desenvolvimento de uma shell a partir da modelagem matemática dos fatores de certeza
FS Gonçalves, MC Mattos, C Cechinel
Salão de Iniciação Científica (20.: 2008 out. 20-24: Porto Alegre, RS …, 2008
Representação da Incerteza por Confiança em uma Shell para Modelagem da Incerteza
FS Gonçalves, PWT de Azevedo Simões, MC de Mattos, C Cechinel
Anais SULCOMP 4, 2008
SBESC 2020 Program Committee
A Rettberg, A Borges, A Amory, A Brito, AA Fröhlich, A Lorenzon, ...
Program Committee Achim Rettberg (Uni. of Applied Science Hamm/Lippstadt & Uni. Oldenburg) Alex Borges (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora) Alexandre Amory (PUCRS University)
A Ferreira, A Sztajnberg, A Brito, A Sartor, AA Frohlich, A Lorenzon, ...
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Članki 1–20