Ali Akbar Safari Sinegani
Ali Akbar Safari Sinegani
Professor of Soil Science, Bu-Ali Sina University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na basu.ac.ir - Domača stran
Analysis of microbial communities in heavy metals-contaminated soils using the metagenomic approach
MH Hemmat-Jou, AA Safari-Sinegani, A Mirzaie-Asl, A Tahmourespour
Ecotoxicology 27 (9), 1281-1291, 2018
Sorption and immobilization of cellulase on silicate clay minerals
AAS Sinegani, G Emtiazi, H Shariatmadari
Journal of colloid and interface science 290 (1), 39-44, 2005
Soil microbial activity in response to fire severity in Zagros oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) forests, Iran, after one year
M Pourreza, SM Hosseini, AAS Sinegani, M Matinizadeh, WA Dick
Geoderma 213, 95-102, 2014
Aggregation stability and organic carbon fraction in a soil amended with some plant residues, nanozeolite, and natural zeolite
M Mirzaei Aminiyan, AA Safari Sinegani, M Sheklabadi
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 4, 11-22, 2015
Biodegradation of some agricultural residues by fungi in agitated submerged cultures
AAS Sinegani, G Emtiazi, S Hajrasuliha, H Shariatmadari
African Journal of Biotechnology 4 (10), 2005
Antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from heavy metal-polluted soils with different land uses
AAS Sinegani, N Younessi
Journal of global antimicrobial resistance 10, 247-255, 2017
Arsenic and other irrigation water quality indicators of groundwater in an agricultural area of Qorveh Plain, Kurdistan, Iran
Z Sharifi, AA Safari Sinegani
Am Eurasian J Agric Environ Sci 12 (4), 548-555, 2012
Estimating the soil respiration under different land uses using artificial neural network and linear regression models
M Ebrahimi, MR Sarikhani, AAS Sinegani, A Ahmadi, S Keesstra
Catena 174, 371-382, 2019
Improving the efficiency of phytoremediation using electrically charged plant and chelating agents
I Tahmasbian, AA Safari Sinegani
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 2479-2486, 2016
Comparison of artificial neural network and multivariate regression models for prediction of Azotobacteria population in soil under different land uses
M Ebrahimi, AAS Sinegani, MR Sarikhani, SA Mohammadi
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 140, 409-421, 2017
The relative effects of some elements on the DNS method in cellulase assay
AAS Sinegani, G Emtiazi
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 10 (3), 93-96, 2006
Manure application and cannabis cultivation influence on speciation of lead and cadmium by selective sequential extraction
AAS Singani, P Ahmadi
Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal 21 (3), 305-321, 2012
Estimation of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity by artificial neural networks ensemble in smectitic soils
A Sedaghat, H Bayat, AA Safari Sinegani
Eurasian Soil Science 49, 347-357, 2016
Herbaceous species diversity in relation to fire severity in Zagros oak forests, Iran
M Pourreza, SM Hosseini, AAS Sinegani, M Matinizadeh, SJ Alavai
Journal of Forestry Research 25, 113-120, 2014
Evaluation of effect of different sterilization methods on soil biomass phosphorus extracted with NaHCO3
AAS Sinegani, A Hosseinpur
Plant, Soil and Environment 56 (4), 156-162, 2010
Phytoextraction of lead by Helianthus annuus: effect of mobilising agent application time
AAS Sinegani, F Khalilikhah
Plant Soil Environ 54 (10), 434-440, 2008
Saturated and unsaturated transport of cow manure-borne Escherichia coli through in situ clay loam lysimeters
MR Mosaddeghi, AAS Sinegani, MB Farhangi, AA Mahboubi, A Unc
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 137 (1-2), 163-171, 2010
Chelate-assisted phytoextraction of cadmium from a mine soil by negatively charged sunflower
I Tahmasbian, AA Safari Sinegani
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11, 695-702, 2014
Chelating agents and heavy metal phytoextraction
AAS Sinegani, I Tahmasbian, MS Sinegani
Heavy metal contamination of soils: monitoring and remediation, 367-393, 2015
Soil potassium‐release characteristics and the correlation of its parameters with garlic plant indices
AR Hosseinpur, AAS Sinegani
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38 (1-2), 107-118, 2007
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