Anindita Bera
Anindita Bera
Assistant Professor
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na bitmesra.ac.in
Quantum discord and its allies: a review of recent progress
A Bera, T Das, D Sadhukhan, SS Roy, AS De, U Sen
Reports on Progress in Physics 81 (2), 024001, 2017
Witnessing bipartite entanglement sequentially by multiple observers
A Bera, S Mal, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review A 98 (6), 062304, 2018
Recycling the resource: Sequential usage of shared state in quantum teleportation with weak measurements
S Roy, A Bera, S Mal, AS De, U Sen
Physics Letters A 392, 127143, 2021
How many mutually unbiased bases are needed to detect bound entangled states?
J Bae, A Bera, D Chruściński, BC Hiesmayr, D McNulty
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (50), 505303, 2022
Thermodynamics and the quantum speed limit in the non-Markovian regime
A Das, A Bera, S Chakraborty, D Chruściński
Physical Review A 104 (4), 042202, 2021
Spontaneous magnetization of quantum XY spin model in joint presence of quenched and annealed disorder
A Bera, D Rakshit, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review B 95 (22), 224441, 2017
Growth of genuine multipartite entanglement in random unitary circuits
A Bera, S Singha Roy
Physical Review A 102 (6), 062431, 2020
Disorder-induced enhancement and critical scaling of spontaneous magnetization in random-field quantum spin systems
A Bera, D Rakshit, M Lewenstein, A Sen, U Sen, J Wehr
Physical Review B 94 (1), 014421, 2016
Classical spin models with broken symmetry: Random-field-induced order and persistence of spontaneous magnetization in the presence of a random field
A Bera, D Rakshit, M Lewenstein, A Sen, U Sen, J Wehr
Physical Review B 90 (17), 174408, 2014
Information complementarity in multipartite quantum states and security in cryptography
A Bera, A Kumar, D Rakshit, R Prabhu, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review A 93 (3), 032338, 2016
Sen (De) A and Sen U 2018
A Bera, T Das, D Sadhukhan, SS Roy
Rep. Prog. Phys 81, 024001, 0
One-shot conclusive multiport quantum dense coding capacities
C Srivastava, A Bera, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review A 100 (5), 052304, 2019
Class of Bell-diagonal entanglement witnesses in : Optimization and the spanning property
A Bera, FA Wudarski, G Sarbicki, D Chruściński
Physical Review A 105 (5), 052401, 2022
Sen (De) A and Sen U 2017 Quantum discord and its allies: a review of recent progress
A Bera, T Das, D Sadhukhan, SS Roy
Rep. Prog. Phys 81, 024001, 0
Generalizing Choi map in M3 beyond circulant scenario
A Bera, G Scala, G Sarbicki, D Chruściński
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 73 (2), 177-192, 2025
A class of optimal positive maps in Mn
A Bera, G Sarbicki, D Chruściński
Linear Algebra and its Applications 668, 131-148, 2023
Engineering classical capacity of generalized Pauli channels with admissible memory kernels
K Siudzińska, A Das, A Bera
Entropy 23 (11), 1382, 2021
Response of entanglement to annealed vis-à-vis quenched disorder in quantum spin models
A Bera, D Sadhukhan, D Rakshit, AS De, U Sen
Europhysics Letters 127 (3), 30003, 2019
Simulating violation of causality using a topological phase transition
S Singha Roy, A Bera, G Sierra
Physical Review A 105 (3), 032432, 2022
Quantum reciprocity relations for fluctuations of position and momentum
M Pandit, A Bera, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review A 100 (1), 012131, 2019
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