B Subbarayudu
B Subbarayudu
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na sorghum.res.in
Resistance in sorghum to Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and its association with grain parameters
GS Prasad, KS Babu, M Sreedhar, PG Padmaja, B Subbarayudu, ...
Phytoparasitica 43, 391-399, 2015
Comparative analysis on sorting and searching algorithms
B Subbarayudu, LL Gayatri, PS Nidhi, P Ramesh, RG Reddy, CK Reddy
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) 8 (8), 955-78, 2017
Identification of sweet Sorghum accessions possessing multiple resistance to shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rondani) and spotted stem borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe)
G Shyam Prasad, KS Babu, B Subbarayudu, VR Bhagwat, JV Patil
Sugar Tech 17 (2), 173-180, 2015
Evaluation of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars in rice (Oryza sativa) fallows under zero tillage
JS Mishra, B Subbarayudu, RR Chapke, N Seetharama
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81 (3), 277, 2011
Evaluation of some local sorghum checks resistant to shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rondani) and Stem Borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe)
VR Bhagwat, GS Prasad, A Kalaisekar, B Subbarayudu, T Hussain, ...
Annals of Arid Zone 50 (1), 47-52, 2011
Sorghum cultivation in rice-fallows: A paradigm shift
RR Chapke, JS Mishra, B Subbarayudu, K Hariprasanna, JV Patil
Bulletin, Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad 500 (030), 31, 2011
Effect of integrated pest management modules on the incidence of sorghum shoot fly.
B Subbarayudu, S Indira, BS Rana
Response of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) hybrids to nitrogen under zero tillage in rice-fallows of Coastal Andhra Pradesh
JS Mishra, RR Chapke, B Subbarayudu, K Hariprasanna, JV Patil
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83 (3), 2013
Distribution of host plants of the lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr.)
B Subbarayudu, RL Ram
Journal of Entomological Research 21 (2), 187-192, 1997
Growing popularity of sorghum in rice fallows: an IIMR case study
RR Chapke, S Babu, B Subbarayudu, VA Tonapi
Bulletin, ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad 500 (030), 40, 2017
Genetics of traits associated with shoot fly resistance in post-rainy season sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
C Aruna, PG Padmaja, B Subbarayudu, N Seetharama
Indian Journal of Genetics and plant Breeding 71 (01), 9-16, 2011
Shoot bug incidence on sorghum in southern India.
B Subbarayudu
Assessment of resistance to stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
GS Prasad, VR Bhagwat, A Kalaisekar, BS Rayudu, AV Umakanth, ...
Indian Journal of Entomology 73 (2), 116-120, 2011
Review and comparison on software process models
B Subbarayudu, S Harshika, E Amareswar, RG Reddy, KK Reddy
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8 (8), 967-980, 2017
Identification of forage sorghum lines having multiple-resistance to sorghum shoot fly and spotted stem borer
GS Prasad, VR Bhagwat, KS Babu, A Kalaisekar, B Subbarayudu
Range Management and Agroforestry 36 (2), 164-169, 2015
Incidence of certain major parasites of lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) on Schleichera oleosa.
B Subbarayudu, LB Maheswar
Evaluation of Multiple Resistance in Sorghum Genotypes Against Shoot Fly, Atherigona Soccata (Rondani) and Stem Borer Chilo Partellus (Swinhoe)
B Subbarayudu, GS Prasad, A Kalaisekar, VR Bhagwat, C Aruna
Indian Journal of Entomology 73 (1), 26-29, 2011
Time-lapse tracing of biological events in an endophytic schizophoran fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae)
A Kalaisekar, JV Patil, GS Prasad, VR Bhagwat, PG Padmaja, ...
Current science, 695-701, 2013
Evaluation of sorghum genotypes for multiple resistance to shoot pests
B Subbarayudu, GS Prasad, A Kalaisekar, VR Bhagwat, M Elangovan
Indian Journal of Plant Protection 39 (2), 116-120, 2011
Integrated pest management for the shoot fly (Atherigona soccata) in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in Andhra Pradesh.
B Subbarayudu, S Indira
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