The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC Cms Collaboration Journal of instrumentation 3 (August 2008), 1-334, 2008 | 12991* | 2008 |
Complex spinors and unified theories M Gell-Mann, P Ramond, R Slansky Murray Gell-Mann: Selected Papers, 266-272, 2010 | 3199 | 2010 |
Dual theory for free fermions P Ramond Physical Review D 3 (10), 2415, 1971 | 3018 | 1971 |
Field theory: a modern primer P Ramond Routledge, 2020 | 1961 | 2020 |
Supergravity M Gell-Mann, P Ramond, R Slansky, P Van Nieuwenhuizen, D Freedman North-Holland, 1979 | 1608 | 1979 |
CMS technical design report, volume II: Physics performance GL Bayatian J. Phys. G 34 (CERN-LHCC-2006-021; CMS-TDR-008-2; FERMILAB-CONF-07-831-CMS), 2007 | 1543* | 2007 |
Classical direct interstring action M Kalb, P Ramond Physical Review D 9 (8), 2273, 1974 | 1176 | 1974 |
A universal gauge theory model based on E6 F Gürsey, P Ramond, P Sikivie Physics Letters B 60 (2), 177-180, 1976 | 960 | 1976 |
Theory of neutrinos: a white paper RN Mohapatra, S Antusch, KS Babu, G Barenboim, MC Chen, ... Reports on Progress in Physics 70 (11), 1757, 2007 | 701 | 2007 |
Renormalization-group study of the standard model and its extensions: the standard model H Arason, DJ Castano, B Kesthelyi, S Mikaelian, EJ Piard, P Ramond, ... Physical Review D 46 (9), 3945, 1992 | 563 | 1992 |
Stitching the Yukawa quilt P Ramond, RG Roberts, GG Ross Nuclear Physics B 406 (1-2), 19-42, 1993 | 545 | 1993 |
Supergravity ed P van Nieuwenhuizen and DZ Freedman M Gell-Mann, P Ramond, R Slansky Amsterdam: North-Holland) p 315, 79-18, 1979 | 481 | 1979 |
Yukawa textures and anomalies P Binetruy, P Ramond Physics Letters B 350 (1), 49-57, 1995 | 396 | 1995 |
Color embeddings, charge assignments, and proton stability in unified gauge theories M Gell-Mann, P Ramond, R Slansky Reviews of Modern Physics 50 (4), 721, 1978 | 391 | 1978 |
Predictions from an anomalous U (1) model of Yukawa hierarchies N Irges, S Lavignac, P Ramond Physical Review D 58 (3), 035003, 1998 | 361 | 1998 |
Yukawa textures with an anomalous horizontal Abelian symmetry P Binetruy, S Lavignac, P Ramond Nuclear Physics B 477 (2), 353-377, 1996 | 301 | 1996 |
CMS physics technical design report: Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions D d'Enterria, M Ballintijn, M Bedjidian, D Hofman, O Kodolova, C Loizides, ... Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34 (11), 2307, 2007 | 299* | 2007 |
Renormalization group study of the standard model and its extensions: The minimal supersymmetric standard model DJ Castano, EJ Piard, P Ramond Physical Review D 49 (9), 4882, 1994 | 295 | 1994 |
Top-quark and Higgs-boson mass bounds from a numerical study of supersymmetric grand unified theories H Arason, D Castao, B Keszthelyi, S Mikaelian, E Piard, P Ramond, ... Physical Review Letters 67 (21), 2933, 1991 | 283 | 1991 |
CP violation and mass relations in SO10 JA Harvey, P Ramond, DB Reiss Physics Letters B 92 (3-4), 309-311, 1980 | 269 | 1980 |