David Althoff
David Althoff
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na syr.edu - Domača stran
Employing philosophical dialogue in collaborative science
SD Eigenbrode, M O'rourke, JD Wulfhorst, DM Althoff, CS Goldberg, ...
BioScience 57 (1), 55-64, 2007
The utility of amplified fragment length polymorphisms in phylogenetics: a comparison of homology within and between genomes
DM Althoff, MA Gitzendanner, KA Segraves
Systematic biology 56 (3), 477-484, 2007
Scale dependence of vegetation–environment relationships: a meta‐analysis of multivariate data
A Siefert, C Ravenscroft, D Althoff, JC Alvarez‐Yépiz, BE Carter, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 23 (5), 942-951, 2012
Testing for coevolutionary diversification: linking pattern with process
DM Althoff, KA Segraves, MTJ Johnson
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 29 (2), 82-89, 2014
Plant polyploidy and insect/plant interactions
JN Thompson, BM Cunningham, KA Segraves, DM Althoff, D Wagner
The American Naturalist 150 (6), 730-743, 1997
Pattern and timing of diversification in Yucca (Agavaceae): specialized pollination does not escalate rates of diversification
CI Smith, O Pellmyr, DM Althoff, M Balcazar-Lara, J Leebens-Mack, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1632), 249-258, 2008
Geographic isolation trumps coevolution as a driver of yucca and yucca moth diversification
DM Althoff, KA Segraves, CI Smith, J Leebens-Mack, O Pellmyr
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62 (3), 898-906, 2012
Examining genetic structure in a bogus yucca moth: a sequential approach to phylogeography
DM Althoff, O Pellmyr
Evolution 56 (8), 1632-1643, 2002
The phylogeny of yuccas
O Pellmyr, KA Segraves, DM Althoff, M Balcázar-Lara, J Leebens-Mack
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2), 493-501, 2007
Comparative geographic structures of two parasitoid‐host interactions
DM Althoff, JN Thompson
Evolution 53 (3), 818-825, 1999
Diversification and coevolution in brood pollination mutualisms: Windows into the role of biotic interactions in generating biological diversity
DH Hembry, DM Althoff
American Journal of Botany 103 (10), 1783-1792, 2016
Does parasitoid attack strategy influence host specificity? A test with New World braconids
DM Althoff
Ecological Entomology 28 (4), 500-502, 2003
Community context of an obligate mutualism: pollinator and florivore effects on Yucca filamentosa
DM Althoff, KA Segraves, O Pellmyr
Ecology 86 (4), 905-913, 2005
The effects of tail autotomy on survivorship and body growth of Uta stansburiana under conditions of high mortality
DM Althoff, JN Thompson
Oecologia 100, 250-255, 1994
Geographic structure in the searching behaviour of a specialist parasitoid: combining molecular and behavioural approaches
DM Althoff, JN Thompson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14 (3), 406-417, 2001
A meta‐analysis of whole genome duplication and the effects on flowering traits in plants
LD Porturas, TJ Anneberg, AE Curé, S Wang, DM Althoff, KA Segraves
American journal of botany 106 (3), 469-476, 2019
Patterns of Speciation in the Yucca Moths: Parallel Species Radiations within the Tegeticula yuccasella Species Complex
DM Althoff, KA Segraves, J Leebens-Mack, O Pellmyr
Systematic Biology 55 (3), 398-410, 2006
Phylogeny and life history evolution of Prodoxus yucca moths (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae)
O Pellmyr, M Balcázar‐Lara, DM Althoff, KA Segraves, J Leebens‐Mack
Systematic Entomology 31 (1), 1-20, 2006
A test of host‐associated differentiation across the ‘parasite continuum’in the tri‐trophic interaction among yuccas, bogus yucca moths, and parasitoids
DM Althoff
Molecular Ecology 17 (17), 3917-3927, 2008
Phenotypic plasticity facilitates initial colonization of a novel environment
SP Wang, DM Althoff
Evolution 73 (2), 303-316, 2019
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