Protected planet report 2018 D Juffe-Bignoli, ND Burgess, H Bingham, EMS Belle, MG De Lima, ... International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2018 | 615 | 2018 |
Protected planet report 2016 I Unep-Wcmc UNEP-WCMC and IUCN: Cambridge UK and Gland, Switzerland, 78-95, 2016 | 210 | 2016 |
Visualization of polydnavirus sequences in a parasitoid wasp chromosome E Belle, NE Beckage, J Rousselet, M Poirié, F Lemeunier, JM Drezen Journal of Virology 76 (11), 5793-5796, 2002 | 121 | 2002 |
Integrating climate change vulnerability assessments from species distribution models and trait-based approaches SG Willis, W Foden, DJ Baker, E Belle, ND Burgess, JA Carr, N Doswald, ... Biological Conservation 190, 167-178, 2015 | 108 | 2015 |
Origins and evolution of the Europeans' genome: evidence from multiple microsatellite loci EMS Belle, PA Landry, G Barbujani Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1594), 1595-1602, 2006 | 101 | 2006 |
High resolution analysis and phylogenetic network construction using complete mtDNA sequences in Sardinian genetic isolates C Fraumene, EMS Belle, L Castri, S Sanna, G Mancosu, M Cosso, ... Molecular biology and evolution 23 (11), 2101-2111, 2006 | 95 | 2006 |
An investigation of the variation in the transition bias among various animal mitochondrial DNA EMS Belle, G Piganeau, M Gardner, A Eyre-Walker Gene 355, 58-66, 2005 | 89 | 2005 |
Protected planet report 2018 E Belle, N Kingston, N Burgess, T Sandwith, N Ali, K MacKinnon UNEP-WCMC, IUCN and NGS: Cambridge UK, Gland Switzerland and Washington DC USA, 2018 | 87 | 2018 |
The Decline of Isochores in Mammals: An Assessment of the GC ContentVariation Along the Mammalian Phylogeny EMS Belle, L Duret, N Galtier, A Eyre-Walker Journal of molecular evolution 58, 653-660, 2004 | 82 | 2004 |
Serial coalescent simulations suggest a weak genealogical relationship between Etruscans and modern Tuscans EMS Belle, U Ramakrishnan, JL Mountain, G Barbujani Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (21), 8012-8017, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Worldwide analysis of multiple microsatellites: language diversity has a detectable influence on DNA diversity EMS Belle, G Barbujani American journal of physical anthropology 133 (4), 1137-1146, 2007 | 71 | 2007 |
Genealogical discontinuities among Etruscan, Medieval, and contemporary Tuscans S Guimaraes, S Ghirotto, A Benazzo, L Milani, M Lari, E Pilli, E Pecchioli, ... Molecular biology and evolution 26 (9), 2157-2166, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Genomic boundaries between human populations G Barbujani, EMS Belle Human Heredity 61 (1), 15-21, 2006 | 55 | 2006 |
Assessing climate change impacts for vertebrate fauna across the West African protected area network using regionally appropriate climate projections DJ Baker, AJ Hartley, ND Burgess, SHM Butchart, JA Carr, RJ Smith, ... Diversity and Distributions 21 (9), 991-1003, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
Analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of isochores in vertebrates and a test of the thermal stability hypothesis EMS Belle, N Smith, A Eyre-Walker Journal of Molecular Evolution 55, 356-363, 2002 | 45 | 2002 |
Protected areas provide thermal buffer against climate change X Xu, A Huang, E Belle, P De Frenne, G Jia Science Advances 8 (44), eabo0119, 2022 | 37 | 2022 |
Comparing models on the genealogical relationships among Neandertal, Cro-Magnoid and modern Europeans by serial coalescent simulations EMS Belle, A Benazzo, S Ghirotto, V Colonna, G Barbujani Heredity 102 (3), 218-225, 2009 | 37 | 2009 |
Protected Planet Report 2014 (UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK D Juffe-Bignoli, D Burgess, H Bingham, EMS Belle, MG de Lima, ... Available at wdpa. s3. amazonaws. com/WPC2014/protected_planet_report. pdf …, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Protected Planet Report 2020: Tracking progress towards global targets for protected and conserved areas H Bingham, E Lewis, E Belle, J Stewart, H Klimmek, S Wicander, N Bhola, ... | 22 | 2021 |
Ecosystem profile Guinean forests of West Africa biodiversity hotspot J Carr, A Adeleke, AK Angu, E Belle, N Burgess, S Carrizo, A Choimes, ... Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |