Julio Peña-Torres
Julio Peña-Torres
Research Fellow, CLAPES UC, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
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The political economy of fishing regulation: the case of Chile
J Pena-Torres
Marine Resource Economics 12 (4), 253-280, 1997
Individual vessel quotas in Peru: Stopping the race for anchovies
S Tveteras, CE Paredes, J Peña-Torres
Marine Resource Economics 26 (3), 225-232, 2011
ITQ’s in Chile: Measuring the economic benefits of reform
A Gómez-Lobo, J Peña-Torres, P Barría
Environmental and Resource Economics 48 (4), 651-678, 2011
Debates sobre Cuotas Individuales Transferibles: ¿Privatizar el mar?¿ Subsidiar? o ¿Muerte anunciada de la pesca extractiva en Chile?
J Peña-Torres
Estudios Públicos 86 (Mayo), 183-222, 2002
Eficiencia técnica y escalas de operación en pesca pelágica: un análisis de fronteras estocásticas
J Peña Torres, M Basch, S Vergara
Cuadernos de economía 40 (119), 47-87, 2003
Harvesting in a pelagic fishery: The case of northern Chile
J Peña‐Torres, M Basch
Annals of Operations Research 94, 295-320, 2000
Evaluation of the Chilean Jack mackerel ITQ system
K Kroetz, J Sanchirico, J Peña-Torres, D Corderi
Marine Resource Economics 32 (2), 217-241, 2017
Chapter 10. Global production and economics
SF Herrick, JG Norton, R Hannesson, R Sumaila, M Ahmed, ...
Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish, 256-274, 2009
Risk and Sustainability: Assessing Fishery Management Strategies
V Martinet, J Peña-Torres, M de Lara, H Ramirez
Environmental and Resource Economics 64 (4), 683-707, 2016
Carbon abatement and new investment in liberalised electricity markets: a nuclear revival in the UK?
J Peña-Torres, PJG Pearson
Energy Policy 28 (2), 115-135, 2000
El dilema de la escala productiva frente a ciclos de abundancia: La pesca industrial en Chile
J Peña-Torres, S Vergara, M Basch
El Trimestre Económico 283, 575-612, 2004
Fish stock Endogeneity in the Harvest Function: El Niño effects on the Chilean Jack Mackerel Fishery
J Peña-Torres, C Agostini, S Vergara
Revista de Análisis Económico (RAE) 22 (2), 75-99, 2007
Mercados informales y control vertical: comercialización de pesca artesanal perecible
J Peña-Torres, J Bustos, C Pérez
Estudios Públicos, 239-282, 2006
Individual transferable fishing quotas in Chile: recent history and current debates
J Peña-Torres
Working Paper Series I-139, Facultad Economia & Negocios, Universidad …, 2002
Joint Ventures y Especialización Productiva en la Industria del Vino en Chile
J Bustos, J Peña-Torres, M Willington
Estudios Públicos 109, 225-266, 2008
Demersal Fishing in Chile: Technical Efficiency and Scales of Operation
J Peña-Torres, J Aguirre Montoya, R Cerda
Revista de Análisis Económico 19 (1), 119-160, 2004
Dinámica poblacional del jurel: Reclutamiento asociado a factores ambientales y sus efectos sobre la captura
M Yepes
Tesis, Master of Arts in Economics, Georgetown University-ILADES Programme, 2004
Who Can Fish What and Where: Chile's Tradeoffs in High Seas Fishing of Straddling Stocks
J Pena-Torres, R Serra, M Basch
Marine Resource Economics 14 (3), 245-262, 1999
Economies of scale and stock-dependence in pelagic harvesting: The case of Northern Chile
M Basch, J Peña-Torres, H Dufey
Cuadernos de Economía 108, 841-873, 1999
Harvesting preemption, industrial concentration and enclosure of national marine fisheries
J Peñ-Torres
Environmental and Resource Economics 14, 545-571, 1999
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