Petr Tomes
Petr Tomes
Technische Universitat Wien, Institute for Solid State Physics, Vienna, Austria
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ifp.tuwien.ac.at
Direct measurement of individual phonon lifetimes in the clathrate compound Ba7.81Ge40.67Au5.33
PF Lory, S Pailhès, VM Giordano, H Euchner, HD Nguyen, R Ramlau, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 491, 2017
Neutron diffraction and heat capacity studies of and
K Knížek, J Hejtmánek, Z Jirák, P Tomeš, P Henry, G André
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (13), 134103, 2009
Thermoelectric oxide modules (TOMs) for the direct conversion of simulated solar radiation into electrical energy
P Tomeš, M Trottmann, C Suter, MH Aguirre, A Steinfeld, P Haueter, ...
Materials 3 (4), 2801-2814, 2010
A solar cavity-receiver packed with an array of thermoelectric converter modules
C Suter, P Tomeš, A Weidenkaff, A Steinfeld
Solar Energy 85 (7), 1511-1518, 2011
Heat transfer and geometrical analysis of thermoelectric converters driven by concentrated solar radiation
C Suter, P Tomeš, A Weidenkaff, A Steinfeld
Materials 3 (4), 2735-2752, 2010
Kondo-like phonon scattering in thermoelectric clathrates
MS Ikeda, H Euchner, X Yan, P Tomeš, A Prokofiev, L Prochaska, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 887, 2019
Physical properties of the InPd intermetallic catalyst
M Wencka, M Hahne, A Kocjan, S Vrtnik, P Koželj, D Korže, Z Jagličić, ...
Intermetallics 55, 56-65, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of new ceramic thermoelectrics implemented in a thermoelectric oxide module
P Tomeš, R Robert, M Trottmann, L Bocher, MH Aguirre, A Bitschi, ...
Journal of Electronic Materials 39, 1696-1703, 2010
Crystal structure, morphology and physical properties of LaCo1− xTixO3±δ perovskites prepared by a citric acid assisted soft chemistry synthesis
R Robert, D Logvinovich, MH Aguirre, SG Ebbinghaus, L Bocher, ...
Acta Materialia 58 (2), 680-691, 2010
On the magnetism, thermal-and electrical transport of SrMoO2N
D Logvinovich, J Hejtmánek, K Knižek, M Maryško, N Homazava, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2), 2009
Crystal Structure and Optical and Magnetic Properties of Pr2(MoO4)3
D Logvinovich, A Arakcheeva, P Pattison, S Eliseeva, P Tomes, I Marozau, ...
Inorganic chemistry 49 (4), 1587-1594, 2010
Thermoelectric oxide modules tested in a solar cavity-receiver
P Tomeš, C Suter, M Trottmann, A Steinfeld, A Weidenkaff
Journal of Materials Research 26 (15), 1975-1982, 2011
On the La2− xSrxCoRuO6 double perovskites: Crystal structure, magnetic properties and transport
P Tomeš, J Hejtmánek, K Knížek
Solid state sciences 10 (4), 486-490, 2008
Magnetic influence on thermoelectric properties of CrO0. 1N0. 9
P Tomeš, D Logvinovich, J Hejtmánek, MH Aguirre, A Weidenkaff
Acta materialia 59 (3), 1134-1140, 2011
Transport and magnetic properties of PrCo1− xNixO3 (x= 0.0–0.7)
P Tomeš, MH Aguirre, R Robert, A Shkabko, EH Otal, A Weidenkaff
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (30), 305402, 2011
Development of perovskite-type cobaltates and manganates for thermoelectric oxide modules
A Weidenkaff, MH Aguirre, L Bocher, M Trottmann, P Tomes, R Robert
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 47 (1), 47-53, 2010
Structural and Thermoelectric Properties of Bi1−x Sb x Nanoalloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying
B Landschreiber, E Güneş, G Homm, C Will, P Tomeš, C Rohner, ...
Journal of electronic materials 42, 2356-2361, 2013
Thermoelectric performance of perovskite-type oxide materials
L Karvonen, P Tomes, A Weidenkaff
Material Matters 6 (4), 92, 2011
Thermoelectric properties of meltspun Ba8Cu5 (Si, Ge, Sn) 41 clathrates
P Tomeš, X Yan, R Kastner, R Svagera, M Waas, J Eilertsen, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 654, 300-307, 2016
Solar TE converter applications
A Weidenkaff, M Trottmann, P Tomeš, C Suter, A Steinfeld, A Veziridis
Thermoelectric Nanomaterials: Materials Design and Applications, 365-382, 2013
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