Saroj K Panigrahi
Saroj K Panigrahi
Chief Scientist, CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India
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Vibration based damage detection in a uniform strength beam using genetic algorithm
SK Panigrahi, S Chakraverty, BK Mishra
Meccanica 44, 697-710, 2009
Damage identification of RC structures using wavelet transformation
SS Patel, AP Chourasia, SK Panigrahi, J Parashar, N Parvez, M Kumar
Procedia Engineering 144, 336-342, 2016
Performance behaviour of agro-waste based gypsum hollow blocks for partition walls
S Singh, S Maiti, RS Bisht, NB Balam, R Solanki, A Chourasia, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 3204, 2022
Design and development of a glass façade cleaning robot
RS Bisht, PM Pathak, SK Panigrahi
Mechanism and Machine Theory 168, 104585, 2022
Investigation of agro-forestry and construction demolition wastes in alkali-activated fly ash bricks as sustainable building materials
S Singh, MM Dalbehera, S Maiti, RS Bisht, NB Balam, SK Panigrahi
Waste Management 159, 114-124, 2023
Damage identification of multistory shear structure from sparse modal information
SK Panigrahi, S Chakraverty, BK Mishra
Journal of computing in civil engineering 27 (1), 1-9, 2013
Experimental investigations on permanent magnet based wheel mechanism for safe navigation of climbing robot
RS Bisht, PM Pathak, SK Panigrahi
Procedia computer science 133, 377-384, 2018
Modelling, simulation and experimental validation of wheel and arm locomotion based wall-climbing robot
RS Bisht, PM Pathak, SK Panigrahi
Robotica 41 (2), 433-469, 2023
A novel method for vibration-based damage detection in structures using marginal Hilbert spectrum
TB Roy, S Banerji, SK Panigrahi, A Chourasia, L Tirca, A Bagchi
Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 1: Select Proceedings of …, 2019
Elevated temperature and performance behaviour of rice straw as waste bio-mass based foamed gypsum hollow blocks
S Singh, MM Dalbehera, AA Kumar, S Maiti, NB Balam, RS Bisht, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 69, 106220, 2023
Embedded dual PZT-based monitoring for curing of concrete
SJ Alexander, P Sumathi, SK Panigrahi, N Gopalakrishnan
Construction and Building Materials 312, 125316, 2021
X—ray photoelectron spectroscopy study on adsorption property of harmful air pollutants on zeolite prepared from fly ash
S Maiti, H Raj, RS Bisht, AK Minocha, SK Panigrahi, S Alexander, ...
Materials Research Express 5 (8), 085507, 2018
Seismic response of precast reinforced concrete wall subjected to cyclic in-plane and constant out-of-plane loading
S Singhal, A Chourasia, SK Panigrahi, Y Kajale
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 15, 1128-1143, 2021
A study on efficacy of wavelet transform for damage identification in reinforced concrete buildings
SS Patel, A Chourasia, SK Panigrahi, SK Bhattacharyya, J Parashar
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 6, 127-138, 2018
Ti doped BaMnO3 perovskite structure as photocatalytic agent for the degradation of noxious air and water pollutants
S Singh, S Maiti, S Rani, H Raj, RS Bisht, SK Panigrahi, I Tyagi
SN Applied Sciences 2 (2), 310, 2020
Implementation of numerical approximations in studying vibration of functionally graded beams
KK Pradhan, S Chakraverty, SK Panigrahi
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 6 (3), 1023-1046, 2018
Damage identification of reinforced concrete beam using modal curvature approach
A Chaurasia, SK Panigrahi, SS Patel
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2018
Development of Magnetic Adhesion Based Wheel-Driven Climbing Machine for Ferrous Surface Applications
RS Bisht, PM Pathak, SK Panigrahi
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 51890, V001T04A016, 2018
Large CO2 reduction and enhanced thermal performance of agro-forestry, construction and demolition waste based fly ash bricks for sustainable construction
S Singh, S Maiti, RS Bisht, SK Panigrahi, S Yadav
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 8368, 2024
Design analysis of a machine for manufacturing of bricks from industrial waste: simulations and experiments
RS Bisht, SK Panigrahi, S Singh, D Kumar, S Yadav
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 15 …, 2021
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