Linda Steg
Linda Steg
hoogleraar omgevingspsychologie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Ni potrjenega e-poštnega naslova
Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: An integrative review and research agenda
L Steg, C Vlek
Journal of environmental psychology 29 (3), 309-317, 2009
A review of intervention studies aimed at household energy conservation
W Abrahamse, L Steg, C Vlek, T Rothengatter
Journal of environmental psychology 25 (3), 273-291, 2005
Global Warming of 1.5 C: IPCC special report on impacts of global warming of 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels in context of strengthening response to climate change …
V Masson-Delmotte, P Zhai, HO Pörtner, D Roberts, J Skea, PR Shukla
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Car use: lust and must. Instrumental, symbolic and affective motives for car use
L Steg
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 39 (2-3), 147-162, 2005
Value orientations to explain beliefs related to environmental significant behavior: How to measure egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric value orientations
JIM De Groot, L Steg
Environment and behavior 40 (3), 330-354, 2008
Normative, gain and hedonic goal frames guiding environmental behavior
S Lindenberg, L Steg
Journal of Social issues 63 (1), 117-137, 2007
Values, environmental concern, and environmental behavior: A study into household energy use
W Poortinga, L Steg, C Vlek
Environment and behavior 36 (1), 70-93, 2004
The spreading of disorder
K Keizer, S Lindenberg, L Steg
science 322 (5908), 1681-1685, 2008
An integrated framework for encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals
L Steg, JW Bolderdijk, K Keizer, G Perlaviciute
Journal of Environmental psychology 38, 104-115, 2014
Factors influencing the acceptability of energy policies: A test of VBN theory
L Steg, L Dreijerink, W Abrahamse
Journal of environmental psychology 25 (4), 415-425, 2005
Psychological factors influencing sustainable energy technology acceptance: A review-based comprehensive framework
NMA Huijts, EJE Molin, L Steg
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 16 (1), 525-531, 2012
Measurement and determinants of environmentally significant consumer behavior
B Gatersleben, L Steg, C Vlek
Environment and behavior 34 (3), 335-362, 2002
Morality and prosocial behavior: The role of awareness, responsibility, and norms in the norm activation model
JIM De Groot, L Steg
The Journal of social psychology 149 (4), 425-449, 2009
How do socio-demographic and psychological factors relate to households’ direct and indirect energy use and savings?
W Abrahamse, L Steg
Journal of economic psychology 30 (5), 711-720, 2009
The value of environmental self-identity: The relationship between biospheric values, environmental self-identity and environmental preferences, intentions and behaviour
E Van der Werff, L Steg, K Keizer
Journal of Environmental Psychology 34, 55-63, 2013
Social influence approaches to encourage resource conservation: A meta-analysis
W Abrahamse, L Steg
Global environmental change 23 (6), 1773-1785, 2013
The significance of hedonic values for environmentally relevant attitudes, preferences, and actions
L Steg, G Perlaviciute, E Van der Werff, J Lurvink
Environment and behavior 46 (2), 163-192, 2014
Environmental psychology: An introduction
JIM De Groot
John Wiley & Sons, 2019
Promoting household energy conservation
L Steg
Energy policy 36 (12), 4449-4453, 2008
Value orientations and environmental beliefs in five countries: Validity of an instrument to measure egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations
JIM De Groot, L Steg
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 38 (3), 318-332, 2007
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