Justin Michael Fine
Justin Michael Fine
Assistant professor, Baylor college of Medicine
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na bcm.edu
The whole prefrontal cortex is premotor cortex
JM Fine, BY Hayden
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377 (1844), 20200524, 2022
Emergent complexity matching in interpersonal coordination: Local dynamics and global variability.
JM Fine, AD Likens, EL Amazeen, PG Amazeen
Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (3), 723, 2015
The human central nervous system transmits common synaptic inputs to distinct motor neuron pools during non‐synergistic digit actions
A Del Vecchio, CM Germer, LA Elias, Q Fu, J Fine, M Santello, D Farina
The Journal of physiology 597 (24), 5935-5948, 2019
Interpersonal Fitts’ law: when two perform as one
JM Fine, EL Amazeen
Experimental brain research 211, 459-469, 2011
Experimental control of scaling behavior: what is not fractal?
AD Likens, JM Fine, EL Amazeen, PG Amazeen
Experimental brain research 233, 2813-2821, 2015
Dexterous object manipulation requires context-dependent sensorimotor cortical interactions in humans
PJ Parikh, JM Fine, M Santello
Cerebral Cortex 30 (5), 3087-3101, 2020
Congruency effects in interpersonal coordination.
JM Fine, CT Gibbons, EL Amazeen
Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 (6 …, 2013
Perceived heaviness in the context of Newton’s Second Law: Combined effects of muscle activity and lifting kinematics.
ML Waddell, JM Fine, AD Likens, EL Amazeen, PG Amazeen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (3), 363, 2016
Manual coordination with intermittent targets: Velocity information for prospective control
JM Fine, KL Ward, EL Amazeen
Acta psychologica 149, 24-31, 2014
Neural oscillations reflect latent learning states underlying dual-context sensorimotor adaptation
JM Fine, D Moore, M Santello
Neuroimage 163, 93-105, 2017
Neural correlates of visual attention during risky decision evidence integration
JR Purcell, A Jahn, JM Fine, JW Brown
NeuroImage 234, 117979, 2021
Computational neural mechanisms of goal-directed planning and problem solving
JM Fine, N Zarr, JW Brown
Computational Brain & Behavior 3, 472-493, 2020
Semi-orthogonal subspaces for value mediate a binding and generalization trade-off
WJ Johnston, JM Fine, SBM Yoo, RB Ebitz, BY Hayden
Nature Neuroscience 27 (11), 2218-2230, 2024
Transcranial focused ultrasound to human rIFG improves response inhibition through modulation of the P300 onset latency
JM Fine, AS Mysore, ME Fini, WJ Tyler, M Santello
Elife 12, e86190, 2023
Abstract value encoding in neural populations but not single neurons
JM Fine, DJN Maisson, SBM Yoo, TV Cash-Padgett, MZ Wang, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 43 (25), 4650-4663, 2023
Discerning seizure-onset v. propagation zone: Pre-and-post-operative resting-state fmri directionality and boerwinkle neuroplasticity index
VL Boerwinkle, BL Sussman, SN Wyckoff, I Manjón, JM Fine, PD Adelson
NeuroImage: Clinical 35, 103063, 2022
Stabilizing perceptual-motor asymmetries during social coordination
JM Fine, EL Amazeen
Human Movement Science 34, 91-108, 2014
Modulation of cortical beta oscillations influences motor vigor: A rhythmic TMS‐EEG study
K Uehara, JM Fine, M Santello
Human Brain Mapping 44 (3), 1158-1172, 2023
Response inhibition is driven by top-down network mechanisms and enhanced with focused ultrasound
JM Fine, ME Fini, AS Mysore, WJ Tyler, M Santello
BioRxiv, 2020
Transcranial focused ultrasound enhances behavioral and network mechanisms underlying response inhibition in humans
JM Fine, ME Fini, AS Mysore, WJ Tyler, M Santello
BioRxiv, 649665, 2019
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