Huan Wu
Huan Wu
Assistant Research Scientist of ESSIC, University of Maryland/NASA GSFC
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Restoring salmon habitat for a changing climate
T Beechie, H Imaki, J Greene, A Wade, H Wu, G Pess, P Roni, J Kimball, ...
River research and applications 29 (8), 939-960, 2013
Real‐time global flood estimation using satellite‐based precipitation and a coupled land surface and routing model
H Wu, RF Adler, Y Tian, GJ Huffman, H Li, JJ Wang
Water Resources Research 50 (3), 2693-2717, 2014
A physically based runoff routing model for land surface and earth system models
H Li, MS Wigmosta, H Wu, M Huang, Y Ke, AM Coleman, LR Leung
Journal of Hydrometeorology 14 (3), 808-828, 2013
Evaluation of global flood detection using satellite-based rainfall and a hydrologic model
H Wu, RF Adler, Y Hong, Y Tian, F Policelli
Journal of Hydrometeorology 13 (4), 1268-1284, 2012
Modeling errors in daily precipitation measurements: Additive or multiplicative?
Y Tian, GJ Huffman, RF Adler, L Tang, M Sapiano, V Maggioni, H Wu
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (10), 2060-2065, 2013
A new global river network database for macroscale hydrologic modeling
H Wu, JS Kimball, H Li, M Huang, LR Leung, RF Adler
Water resources research 48 (9), 2012
Automated upscaling of river networks for macroscale hydrological modeling
H Wu, JS Kimball, N Mantua, J Stanford
Water Resources Research 47 (3), 2011
Steelhead vulnerability to climate change in the P acific N orthwest
AA Wade, TJ Beechie, E Fleishman, NJ Mantua, H Wu, JS Kimball, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (5), 1093-1104, 2013
A global network for operational flood risk reduction
L Alfieri, S Cohen, J Galantowicz, GJP Schumann, MA Trigg, E Zsoter, ...
Environmental science & policy 84, 149-158, 2018
NASA’s remotely sensed precipitation: A reservoir for applications users
DB Kirschbaum, GJ Huffman, RF Adler, S Braun, K Garrett, E Jones, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (6), 1169-1184, 2017
Projected climate change impacts on the hydrology and temperature of Pacific Northwest rivers
H Wu, JS Kimball, MM Elsner, N Mantua, RF Adler, J Stanford
Water Resources Research 48 (11), 2012
Evaluating global streamflow simulations by a physically based routing model coupled with the community land model
HY Li, LR Leung, A Getirana, M Huang, H Wu, Y Xu, J Guo, N Voisin
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (2), 948-971, 2015
Satellite-based evapotranspiration in hydrological model calibration
L Jiang, H Wu, J Tao, JS Kimball, L Alfieri, X Chen
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 428, 2020
High resolution satellite products improve hydrological modeling in northern Italy
L Alfieri, F Avanzi, F Delogu, S Gabellani, G Bruno, L Campo, A Libertino, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-29, 2021
Unlocking the full potential of Earth observation during the 2015 Texas flood disaster
GJP Schumann, S Frye, G Wells, R Adler, R Brakenridge, J Bolten, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (5), 3288-3293, 2016
Evaluation of quantitative precipitation estimations through hydrological modeling in IFloodS river basins
H Wu, RF Adler, Y Tian, G Gu, GJ Huffman
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (2), 529-553, 2017
A riverscape analysis tool developed to assist wild salmon conservation across the North Pacific Rim
DC Whited, JS Kimball, JA Lucotch, NK Maumenee, H Wu, SD Chilcote, ...
Fisheries 37 (7), 305-314, 2012
Modeling stream temperature in the A nthropocene: An earth system modeling approach
HY Li, L Ruby Leung, T Tesfa, N Voisin, M Hejazi, L Liu, Y Liu, J Rice, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 7 (4), 1661-1679, 2015
The Study on GIS Spatial Model Base Using COM Technology
W Zhang, X Chen, J Li, X Li, H Wu
Journal of Image and Graphics 1 (1), 2003
Evaluation of real-time global flood modeling with satellite surface inundation observations from SMAP
H Wu, JS Kimball, N Zhou, L Alfieri, L Luo, J Du, Z Huang
Remote Sensing of Environment 233, 111360, 2019
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