David Gomez Gras
Soft-sediment deformation structures interpreted as seismites in lacustrine sediments of the Prebetic Zone, SE Spain, and their potential use as indicators of earthquake …
MA Rodrı́guez-Pascua, JP Calvo, G De Vicente, D Gómez-Gras
Sedimentary Geology 135 (1-4), 117-135, 2000
The mechanical properties of macrolithic artifacts: a methodological background for functional analysis
S Delgado-Raack, D Gómez-Gras, R Risch
Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (9), 1823-1831, 2009
Reworked calcretes: their significance in the reconstruction of alluvial sequences (Permian and Triassic, Minorca, Balearic Islands, Spain)
D Gómez-Gras, AM Alonso-Zarza
Sedimentary Geology 158 (3-4), 299-319, 2003
Activation of stylolites as conduits for overpressured fluid flow in dolomitized platform carbonates
JD Martín-Martín, E Gomez-Rivas, D Gómez-Gras, A Travé, R Ameneiro, ...
Permian-Triassic rifting stage
J López-Gómez, J Alonso-Azcárate, A Arche, J Arribas, ...
The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach: Volume 3: The Alpine Cycle, 29-112, 2019
Mineralogy and firing transformations of Permo–Triassic clays used in the manufacturing of ceramic tile bodies
MM Jordán, JD Martín-Martín, T Sanfeliu, D Gómez-Gras, C De la Fuente
Applied Clay Science 44 (1-2), 173-177, 2009
Provenance, age, and tectonic evolution of Variscan flysch, southeastern France and northeastern Spain, based on zircon geochronology
FJ Martínez, C Dietsch, J Aleinikoff, J Cirés, ML Arboleya, J Reche, ...
Bulletin 128 (5-6), 842-859, 2016
Provenance constraints on the Tremp Formation paleogeography (southern Pyrenees): Ebro Massif vs Pyrenees sources
D Gómez-Gras, M Roigé, V Fondevilla, O Oms, S Boya, E Remacha
Cretaceous Research 57, 414-427, 2016
The role of mixing-zone dolomitization in sandstone cementation: evidence from the Triassic Buntsandstein, the Iberian Range, Spain
S Morad, R Marfil, IS Al-Aasm, D Gomez-Gras
Sedimentary Geology 80 (1-2), 53-65, 1992
Use-wear analysis of Neolithic polished axes and adzes: The site of “Bobila Madurell-can Gambús-1-2”(Northeast Iberian Peninsula)
AM Latorre, JFG Bao, GR Zamora, D Gómez-Gras
Quaternary International 427, 158-174, 2017
El Permotrías de las Baleares y de la vertiente mediterránea de la Cordillera Ibérica y del Maestrat: Facies y Petrología Sedimentaria (Parte II)
D Gómez-Gras
Boletín geológico y minero 104 (5), 3-51, 1993
Geology of the Cerro Quema Au-Cu deposit (Azuero Peninsula, Panama)
I Corral, A Griera, D Gómez-Gras, M Corbella, ÀC i Sabaté, MP Falconett, ...
Geologica acta, 2011
Estudio comparativo entre las areniscas paleozoicas y triásicas de la isla de Menorca: evidencias de procesos de reciclado
J Arribas Mocoroa, D Gómez Gras, J Rosell Ardèvol, A Tortosa
Sociedad Geológica de España, 1990
Tectonic control on sediment sources in the Jaca basin (Middle and Upper Eocene of the South-Central Pyrenees)
M Roigé, D Gómez-Gras, E Remacha, R Daza, S Boya
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 348 (3-4), 236-245, 2016
Reconstructing extensional basin architecture and provenance in the Marrakech High Atlas of Morocco: Implications for rift basins and inversion tectonics
ND Perez, A Teixell, D Gómez‐Gras, DF Stockli
Tectonics 38 (5), 1584-1608, 2019
The building stone of the Roman city of Dougga (Tunisia): Provenance, petrophysical characterisation and durability
K Zoghlami, JD Martín-Martín, D Gomez-Gras, A Navarro, D Parcerisa, ...
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 349 (8), 402-411, 2017
Petrography and geochemistry of fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomites in the Riópar area (Prebetic Zone, SE Spain)
D Navarro-Ciurana, M Corbella, E Cardellach, E Vindel, D Gómez-Gras, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 71, 310-328, 2016
Triassic magnetic overprints related to albitization in granites from the Morvan massif (France)
C Ricordel, D Parcerisa, M Thiry, MG Moreau, D Gómez-Gras
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 251 (2), 268-282, 2007
Sedimentation and volcanism in the Panamanian Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc and fore-arc: New insights from the Azuero peninsula (SW Panama)
I Corral, D Gómez-Gras, A Griera, M Corbella, E Cardellach
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 184 (1-2), 35-45, 2013
Origin and evolution of mineralizing fluids and exploration of the Cerro Quema Au-Cu deposit (Azuero Peninsula, Panama) from a fluid inclusion and stable isotope perspective
I Corral, E Cardellach, M Corbella, À Canals, A Griera, D Gómez-Gras, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 80, 947-960, 2017
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