Natalia Yannopoulou
Natalia Yannopoulou
Professor of Marketing, Newcastle University Business School
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ncl.ac.uk
The nature of trust in brands: a psychosocial model
R Elliott, N Yannopoulou
European journal of marketing 41 (9/10), 988-998, 2007
User-generated brands and social media: Couchsurfing and AirBnb
N Yannopoulou, M Moufahim, X Bian
Contemporary Management Research 9 (1), 2013
New insights into unethical counterfeit consumption
X Bian, KY Wang, A Smith, N Yannopoulou
Journal of Business Research 69 (10), 4249-4258, 2016
Media amplification of a brand crisis and its affect on brand trust
N Yannopoulou, E Koronis, R Elliott
Journal of Marketing Management 27 (5-6), 530-546, 2011
Academic engagement: Differences between intention to adopt social networking sites and other online technologies
E Dermentzi, S Papagiannidis, CO Toro, N Yannopoulou
Computers in human behavior 61, 321-332, 2016
Value marketing through corporate reputation: An empirical investigation of Thai hospitals
N Srivoravilai, TC Melewar, MJ Liu, N Yannopoulou
Journal of Marketing Management 27 (3-4), 243-268, 2011
Understanding and predicting what influence online product sales? A neural network approach
F Hou, B Li, AYL Chong, N Yannopoulou, MJ Liu
Production Planning & Control 28 (11-12), 964-975, 2017
Authenticity perceptions in the Chinese marketplace
MJ Liu, N Yannopoulou, X Bian, R Elliott
Journal of Business Research 68 (1), 27-33, 2015
Open versus closed advertising texts and interpretive communities
N Yannopoulou, R Elliott
International Journal of Advertising 27 (1), 9-36, 2008
Exploring social change through social media: The case of the Facebook group Indignant Citizens
N Yannopoulou, MJ Liu, X Bian, T Heath
International Journal of Consumer Studies 43 (4), 348-357, 2019
How to achieve swift resilience: the role of digital innovation enabled mindfulness
D Ye, MJ Liu, J Luo, N Yannopoulou
Information Systems Frontiers 26 (2), 551-573, 2024
Does personalized advertising have their best interests at heart? A quantitative study of narcissists’ SNS use among Generation Z consumers
Z Wang, R Yuan, J Luo, MJ Liu, N Yannopoulou
Journal of Business Research 165, 114070, 2023
Examining social media engagement through health-related message framing in different cultures
A Agnihotri, S Bhattacharya, N Yannopoulou, MJ Liu
Journal of Business Research 152, 349-360, 2022
Conflict in online consumption communities: a systematic literature review and directions for future research
K Chandrasapth, N Yannopoulou, K Schoefer, TC Licsandru, ...
International Marketing Review 38 (5), 900-926, 2021
“I am proud of my job”: Examining the psychological mechanism underlying technological innovation's effects on employee brand ambassadorship
R Yuan, J Luo, MJ Liu, N Yannopoulou
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 182, 121833, 2022
Foreign market entry modes for servitization under diverse macroenvironmental conditions: taxonomy and propositions
A Agnihotri, S Bhattacharya, N Yannopoulou, A Thrassou
International Marketing Review 40 (4), 561-584, 2023
What we do know and don’t know about marketing communications on mature consumers
N Yannopoulou, D Manika, K Chandrasapth, M Tajvidi, V Wells
European Journal of Marketing 57 (8), 1969-1995, 2023
A multimodal discourse-mythological approach to understanding brand-based conflicts in online consumer communities: The case of Samsung vs. Huawei
K Chandrasapth, N Yannopoulou, K Schoefer, MJ Liu
Journal of Business Research 144, 1103-1120, 2022
Are reshoring decisions influenced by external stakeholders and country‐level environmental regulation?
V Sena, RP Kanungo, S Ozdemir, N Yannopoulou, P Patel
British Journal of Management 34 (3), 1184-1214, 2023
Guilty displeasures? How Gen-Z women perceive (in) authentic femvertising messages
AC Buckley, N Yannopoulou, M Gorton, S Lie
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 45 (4), 388-401, 2024
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