Time flies when you're having fun: Cognitive absorption and beliefs about information technology usage R Agarwal, E Karahanna MIS quarterly, 665-694, 2000 | 7458 | 2000 |
A conceptual and operational definition of personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology R Agarwal, J Prasad Information systems research 9 (2), 204-215, 1998 | 5575 | 1998 |
Are individual differences germane to the acceptance of new information technologies? R Agarwal, J Prasad Decision sciences 30 (2), 361-391, 1999 | 4355 | 1999 |
The role of innovation characteristics and perceived voluntariness in the acceptance of information technologies R Agarwal, J Prasad Decision sciences 28 (3), 557-582, 1997 | 3252 | 1997 |
Sources of influence on beliefs about information technology use: An empirical study of knowledge workers W Lewis, R Agarwal, V Sambamurthy MIS quarterly, 657-678, 2003 | 1711 | 2003 |
Through a glass darkly: Information technology design, identity verification, and knowledge contribution in online communities M Ma, R Agarwal Information systems research 18 (1), 42-67, 2007 | 1512 | 2007 |
Adoption of electronic health records in the presence of privacy concerns: The elaboration likelihood model and individual persuasion CM Angst, R Agarwal MIS quarterly, 339-370, 2009 | 1508 | 2009 |
Research Commentary—The Digital Transformation of Healthcare: Current Status and the Road Ahead R Agarwal, G Gao, C DesRoches, AK Jha Information systems research 21 (4), 796-809, 2010 | 1502 | 2010 |
Assessing a firm's web presence: a heuristic evaluation procedure for the measurement of usability R Agarwal, V Venkatesh Information systems research 13 (2), 168-186, 2002 | 1422 | 2002 |
The evolving relationship between general and specific computer self-efficacy—An empirical assessment R Agarwal, V Sambamurthy, RM Stair Information systems research 11 (4), 418-430, 2000 | 1312 | 2000 |
The role of push-pull technology in privacy calculus: the case of location-based services H Xu, HH Teo, BCY Tan, R Agarwal Journal of management information systems 26 (3), 135-174, 2009 | 1134 | 2009 |
Practicing safe computing: A multimethod empirical examination of home computer user security behavioral intentions CL Anderson, R Agarwal MIS quarterly, 613-643, 2010 | 1109 | 2010 |
Editorial—Big Data, Data Science, and Analytics: The Opportunity and Challenge for IS Research R Agarwal, V Dhar Information systems research 25 (3), 443-448, 2014 | 1084 | 2014 |
Tactical approaches for alleviating distance in global software development E Carmel, R Agarwal IEEE software 18 (2), 22-29, 2001 | 1063 | 2001 |
The antecedents and consequents of user perceptions in information technology adoption R Agarwal, J Prasad Decision support systems 22 (1), 15-29, 1998 | 1019 | 1998 |
Reconceptualizing compatibility beliefs in technology acceptance research E Karahanna, R Agarwal, CM Angst MIS quarterly, 781-804, 2006 | 994 | 2006 |
The digitization of healthcare: boundary risks, emotion, and consumer willingness to disclose personal health information CL Anderson, R Agarwal Information systems research 22 (3), 469-490, 2011 | 747 | 2011 |
Organizational mechanisms for enhancing user innovation in information technology S Nambisan, R Agarwal, M Tanniru MIS quarterly, 365-395, 1999 | 701 | 1999 |
The maturation of offshore sourcing of information technology work E Carmel, R Agarwal Information Systems Outsourcing: Enduring Themes, New Perspectives and …, 2006 | 690 | 2006 |
Managing team interpersonal processes through technology: A task-technology fit perspective. LM Maruping, R Agarwal Journal of applied psychology 89 (6), 975, 2004 | 624 | 2004 |