Haichao Zhou
Haichao Zhou
Друга именаHai-Chao Zhou, Zhou Haichao, Zhou Hai-Chao
College of Life Sciences and Oceanography in Shenzhen University
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Contamination, toxicity and speciation of heavy metals in an industrialized urban river: Implications for the dispersal of heavy metals
Q Wu, HC Zhou, NFY Tam, Y Tian, Y Tan, S Zhou, Q Li, Y Chen, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 104 (1-2), 153-161, 2016
Condensed Tannins from Mangrove Species Kandelia candel and Rhizophora mangle and Their Antioxidant Activity
LL Zhang, YM Lin, HC Zhou, SD Wei, JH Chen
Molecules 15 (1), 420-431, 2010
Structural diversity and antioxidant activity of condensed tannins fractionated from mangosteen pericarp
HC Zhou, YM Lin, SD Wei, NF Tam
Food Chemistry 129 (4), 1710-1720, 2011
How mangrove plants affect microplastic distribution in sediments of coastal wetlands: Case study in Shenzhen Bay, South China
J Duan, J Han, SG Cheung, RKY Chong, CM Lo, FWF Lee, SJL Xu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 767, 144695, 2021
Short-term enhancement effect of nitrogen addition on microbial degradation and plant uptake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in contaminated mangrove soil
J Chen, HC Zhou, C Wang, CQ Zhu, NFY Tam
Journal of hazardous materials 300, 84-92, 2015
Antioxidant properties of polymeric proanthocyanidins from fruit stones and pericarps of Litchi chinensis Sonn
HC Zhou, YM Lin, YY Li, M Li, SD Wei, WM Chai, NF Tam
Food Research International 44 (2), 613-620, 2011
NMR, HPLC-ESI-MS, and MALDI-TOF MS Analysis of Condensed Tannins from Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) Raf. and Their Bioactivities
WM Chai, Y Shi, HL Feng, L Qiu, HC Zhou, ZW Deng, CL Yan, QX Chen
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 (19), 5013-5022, 2012
Development of a digestion method for determining microplastic pollution in vegetal-rich clayey mangrove sediments
J Duan, J Han, HC Zhou, YL Lau, W An, P Wei, SG Cheung, Y Yang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 707, 136030, 2020
Relationships between degree of polymerization and antioxidant activities: A study on proanthocyanidins from the leaves of a medicinal mangrove plant Ceriops tagal
HC Zhou, NF Tam, YM Lin, ZH Ding, WM Chai, SD Wei
PLoS One 9 (10), e107606, 2014
Antioxidant Activities of Extract and Fractions from the Hypocotyls of the Mangrove Plant Kandelia candel
SD Wei, HC Zhou, YM Lin
International journal of molecular sciences 11 (10), 4080-4093, 2010
Prokaryotic diversity in mangrove sediments across southeastern China fundamentally differs from that in other biomes
CJ Zhang, J Pan, CH Duan, YM Wang, Y Liu, J Sun, HC Zhou, X Song, ...
Msystems 4 (5), 10.1128/msystems. 00442-19, 2019
Origin verification of French red wines using isotope and elemental analyses coupled with chemometrics
H Wu, G Lin, L Tian, Z Yan, B Yi, X Bian, B Jin, L Xie, HC Zhou, ...
Food Chemistry 339, 127760, 2021
Antioxidant Tannins from Stem Bark and Fine Root of Casuarina equisetifolia
SJ Zhang, YM Lin, HC Zhou, SD Wei, GH Lin, GF Ye
Molecules 15 (8), 5658-5670, 2010
MALDI-TOF MS Analysis of Condensed Tannins with Potent Antioxidant Activity from the Leaf, Stem Bark and Root Bark of Acacia confusa
SD Wei, HC Zhou, YM Lin, MM Liao, WM Chai
Molecules 15 (6), 4369-4381, 2010
Nutrient and caloric dynamics in Avicennia marina leaves at different developmental and decay stages in Zhangjiang River Estuary, China
HC Zhou, SD Wei, Q Zeng, LH Zhang, NF Tam, YM Lin
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 87 (1), 21-26, 2010
Contamination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in watershed sediments and plants adjacent to e-waste sites
HC Zhou, NFY Tam, SG Cheung, P Wei, S Li, Q Wu
Journal of Hazardous Materials 379, 120788, 2019
Effects of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and plant species on nitrification, denitrification and anammox in mangrove soils
J Chen, HC Zhou, Y Pan, FS Shyla, NFY Tam
Science of the Total Environment 553, 60-70, 2016
Seasonal changes in tannin and nitrogen contents of Casuarina equisetifolia branchlets
Z Li-Hua, Y Gong-Fu, L Yi-Ming, Z Hai-Chao, Z Qi
Journal of Zhejiang University Science B 10 (2), 103-111, 2009
Nano-enabled plant microbiome engineering for disease resistance
M Hussain, N Shakoor, M Adeel, MA Ahmad, H Zhou, Z Zhang, M Xu, ...
Nano Today 48, 101752, 2023
Identification of antioxidant components and fatty acid profiles of the leaves and fruits from Averrhoa carambola
SD Wei, H Chen, T Yan, YM Lin, HC Zhou
LWT-Food Science and Technology 55 (1), 278-285, 2014
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