Laid Touati
Laid Touati
Université Frères mentouri Constantine 1
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Low prevalence of blood parasites in a long-distance migratory raptor: the importance of host habitat
R Gutiérrez-López, L Gangoso, J Martínez-De La Puente, J Fric, ...
Parasites & Vectors 8, 1-6, 2015
The times they are a changin’: impact of land-use shift and climate warming on the odonata community of a Mediterranean stream over a 25 – year period.
B Morghad,Faten, Samraoui,Farrah, Touati, Laid, Samraoui
Vie et Milieu – Life and Environment 69 (1), 25-33, 2019
Impact of estern, Gambusia holbrooki, on temporary ponds: insights on how may predation structure zooplankton communities
D Haiahem, L Touati, N Baaziz, F Samraoui, ...
Zoology and Ecology 27 (2), 124-132, 2017
On the brink: Status and breeding ecology of Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae in Algeria
L Touati, R Nedjah, F Samraoui, AH Alfarhan, L Gangoso, J Figuerola, ...
Bird Conservation International 27 (4), 594-606, 2017
Effect of vertebrate and invertebrate kairomones on the life history of Daphnia magna Straus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda)
K Chakri, L Touati, AH Alfarhan, KAS Al-Rasheid, B Samraoui
Comptes Rendus. Biologies 333 (11-12), 836-840, 2010
Distribution patterns of ectoparasites of Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) chicks
L Touati, J Figuerola, AH Alfarhan, B Samraoui
Zoology and Ecology 25 (1), 46-53, 2015
Diversity and Distribution of Avian Lice on Greater Flamingo Chicks (Phoenicopterus Roseus) in Algeria
L Touati, B Samraoui
Avian biology research 6 (4), 261-268, 2013
Distribution spatio-temporelle des Genres Daphnia et Simocephalus dans les mares temporaires de la Numidie.
L Touati
Ecology and conservation of Glossy Ibis in Algeria: Synthesis and perspectives
R Nedjah, A Boucheker, L Touati, F Samraoui, B Samraoui
SIS Conservation 1, 39-42, 2019
The ecology of Daphnia chevreuxi Richard in Northeast Algeria (Crustacea: Anomopoda)
Sciences & Technologie. C, Biotechnologies, 75-81, 2002
Diet of breeding Eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae in Algeria: Insights for the autumn trans‐Mediterranean avian migration
B Samraoui, Y Kayser, L Touati, F Samraoui, A Boucheker, HA El‐Serehy, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (7), e9065, 2022
Variability in Arrival Time of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia L.): Impact of Age, Interindividual Variation, and Global Change
M Athamnia, BE Belabed, KR Samraoui, A Boucheker, L Touati, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 841744, 2022
Close to the madding crowd: waterbird responses to land use conversion in and around a Mediterranean urban wetland
A Aouadi, F Samraoui, L Touati, R Nedjah, L Souiki, B Samraoui
Wetlands 41, 1-12, 2021
Slow and steady wins the race: Life cycle and seasonal regulation of Gomphus lucasii (Odonata: Gomphidae)
B Samraoui, L Touati, F Samraoui
Odonatologica 48 (3-4), 229-246, 2019
The early bird catches the worm: age-specific arrival time influences reproductive performance in White Stork Ciconia ciconia"
L Belabed,Bourhane,Athamnia, Mohammed, Touati, ...
Bird Study 66 (1), 121-129, 2019
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus breeding attempts on the Hauts Plateaux and the Sahara, in 2011-13.
SFSB Mesbah Amel, Bouchibi Baaziz Nacera, Baaziz Nasser, Boulkhssaim Mouloud ...
Bull ABC 21 (2), 187-192, 2014
Between sea and land: the waterbird population of Oued Boukhmira
L Touati, B Samraoui
Bulletin of the Mediterranean waterbirds. Network 1, 18-22, 2013
Composition and distribution on a host of avian lice of white storks in North-Eastern Algeria
L Touati, M Athamnia, R Nedjah, A Boucheker, F Samraoui, HA El-Serehy, ...
Diversity 14 (2), 77, 2022
Les parasites des oiseaux d’eau: inventaire et écologie
L Touati
Phytoécologie, dynamique et reconstitution pollinique de deux mares tourbeuses (Aoural et Ain Salhat) de la petite Kabylie orientale: Cas du bassin versant d’Oued Zhor (Nord …
BA Tatar, L Touati, T Hamel, E Mechentel, B Badouna, M Benslama
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