Miguel Ballesteros
Miguel Ballesteros
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Diversidad vegetal de las yeseras ibéricas
JF Mota, P Sánchez-Gómez, JS Guirado
El reto de los archipiélagos edáficos para la biología de la conservación …, 2011
Vegetation recovery of gypsum quarries: short‐term sowing response to different soil treatments
M Ballesteros, EM Cañadas, A Foronda, E Fernández‐Ondoño, J Peñas, ...
Applied vegetation science 15 (2), 187-197, 2012
Rock climbing alters plant species composition, cover, and richness in Mediterranean limestone cliffs
J Lorite, F Serrano, A Lorenzo, EM Canadas, M Ballesteros, J Penas
PLoS One 12 (8), e0182414, 2017
Habitat Fragmentation in Arid Zones: A Case Study of Linaria nigricans Under Land Use Changes (SE Spain)
J Penas, B Benito, J Lorite, M Ballesteros, EM Cañadas, ...
Environmental Management 48, 168-176, 2011
Central role of bedding materials for gypsum-quarry restoration: An experimental planting of gypsophile species
M Ballesteros, EM Cañadas, A Foronda, J Peñas, F Valle, J Lorite
Ecological Engineering 70, 470-476, 2014
Does gypsum influence seed germination?
EM Canadas, M Ballesteros, F Valle, J Lorite
Turkish Journal of Botany 38 (1), 141-147, 2014
Successful lichen translocation on disturbed gypsum areas: A test with adhesives to promote the recovery of biological soil crusts
M Ballesteros, J Ayerbe, M Casares, EM Cañadas, J Lorite
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 45606, 2017
Evaluating a vegetation-recovery plan in Mediterranean alpine ski slopes: A chronosequence-based study in Sierra Nevada (SE Spain)
J Lorite, M Molina-Morales, EM Cañadas, M Ballesteros, J Peñas
Landscape and Urban Planning 97 (2), 92-97, 2010
The fate of endemic species specialized in island habitat under climate change in a Mediterranean high mountain
AJ Mendoza-Fernández, Á Fernández-Ceular, D Alcaraz-Segura, ...
Plants 11 (23), 3193, 2022
Economic evaluation of ecological restoration options in gypsum habitats after mining
J Lorite, M Ballesteros, H García-Robles, EM Cañadas
Journal for Nature Conservation 59, 125935, 2021
Restoration of gypsicolous vegetation on quarry slopes: Guidance for hydroseeding under contrasting inclination and aspect
M Ballesteros, EM Cañadas, RH Marrs, A Foronda, F Martín-Peinado, ...
Land Degradation & Development, 2017
Conservation status of the narrow endemic gypsophile Ononis tridentata subsp. crassifolia in southern Spain: effects of habitat disturbance
M Ballesteros, A Foronda, EM Cañadas, J Peñas, J Lorite
Oryx 47 (2), 199-202, 2013
Alien species in vegetation succession: participation, temporal trends and determining factors in various central European series
M Ballesteros, K Vítovcová, K Řehounková, A Müllerová, P Janečková, ...
Biological Invasions 23 (11), 3435-3445, 2021
Enhancing seedling production of native species to restore gypsum habitats
EM Cañadas, M Ballesteros, A Foronda, FB Navarro, MN Jiménez, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 163, 109-114, 2015
Participation of grassland species in various successional series in a temperate European region and implications for habitat management
M Ballesteros, K Řehounková, L Šebelíková, A Müllerová, K Vítovcová, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation, 2024
Community specialisation in vegetation succession on central-European disturbed sites
M Ballesteros, K Řehounková, K Vítovcová, K Prach
Journal of Vegetation Science 34 (4), 2023
A story of abandonment: settlements and landscape in the Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal
T Majerovičová, L Šmejda, J Novák, I Manka, M Ballesteros, J Bumerl, ...
Antiquity 96 (389), 1330-1336, 2022
A comment on “International Principles and Standards for the Ecological Restoration and Recovery of Mine Sites”–useful but limited
K Řehounková, M Ballesteros, J Alday, A Nunes, S Tischew, A Kirmer, ...
Restoration Ecology, e13872, 2023
Restoration of gypsum habitats affected by quarrying: Guidance for assisting vegetation recovery
M Ballesteros Jiménez
Universidad de Granada, 2018
Linaria nigricans Lange.
J Penas, M Ballesteros, B Benito, EVA CANADAS SANCHEZ, J Lorite
Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España, Adenda 2010., 76-77, 2010
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