Michel Ballèvre
Michel Ballèvre
Верификована је имејл адреса на univ-rennes1.fr
Palaeozoic history of the Armorican Massif: models for the tectonic evolution of the suture zones
M Ballèvre, V Bosse, C Ducassou, P Pitra
Comptes rendus géoscience 341 (2-3), 174-201, 2009
Correlation of the nappe stack in the Ibero-Armorican arc across the Bay of Biscay: a joint French–Spanish project
M Ballèvre, JRM Catalán, A López-Carmona, P Pitra, J Abati, ...
Rb Sr and 40Ar 39Ar laser probe dating of high-pressure phengites from the Sesia zone (Western Alps): underscoring of excess argon and new age constraints on the high …
G Ruffet, G Gruau, M Ballèvre, G Féraud, P Philippot
Chemical Geology 141 (1-2), 1-18, 1997
The Cadomian active margin (North Armorican Massif, France): a segment of the north Atlantic Panafrican belt
J Chantraine, E Egal, D Thiéblemont, E Le Goff, C Guerrot, M Ballèvre, ...
Tectonophysics 331 (1-2), 1-18, 2001
The Combin fault: compressional reactivation of a Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary detachment fault in the Western Alps
M Ballèvre, O Merle
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 73 (2), 205-227, 1993
MgFe and [(Mg, Fe) Si-Al2] compositional control on argon behaviour in high-pressure white micas: A 40Ar39Ar continuous laser-probe study from the Dora-Maira nappe of the …
S Scaillet, G Feraud, M Ballevre, M Amouric
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 (7), 2851-2872, 1992
Diapirism, bulk homogeneous shortening and transcurrent shearing in the Archaean Dharwar craton: the Holenarsipur area, southern India
H Bouhallier, P Choukroune, M Ballèvre
Precambrian Research 63 (1-2), 43-58, 1993
40Ar/39Ar laser-probe dating by step heating and spot fusion of phengites from the Dora Maira nappe of the western Alps, Italy
S Scaillet, G Feraud, Y Lagabrielle, M Ballevre, G Ruffet
Geology 18 (8), 741-744, 1990
The tectonometamorphic evolution of the Sesia–Dent Blanche nappes (internal Western Alps): review and synthesis
P Manzotti, M Ballevre, M Zucali, M Robyr, M Engi
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 107, 309-336, 2014
Le Massif Armoricain/The Armorican Massif
C Le Corre, B Auvray, M Ballèvre, M Robardet
Sciences Géologiques, bulletins et mémoires 44 (1), 31-103, 1991
Reconstructing P–T paths during continental collision using multi‐stage garnet (Gran Paradiso nappe, Western Alps)
B Le Bayon, P Pitra, M Ballevre, M Bohn
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 24 (6), 477-496, 2006
Late Devonian subduction and early‐orogenic exhumation of eclogite‐facies rocks from the Champtoceaux Complex (Variscan belt, France)
V Bosse, G Feraud, G Ruffet, M Ballèvre, JJ Peucat, K De Jong
Geological Journal 35 (3‐4), 297-325, 2000
Rb–Sr and 40Ar/39Ar ages in blueschists from the Ile de Groix (Armorican Massif, France): Implications for closure mechanisms in isotopic systems
V Bosse, G Féraud, M Ballèvre, JJ Peucat, M Corsini
Chemical Geology 220 (1-2), 21-45, 2005
Lawsonite growth in the epidote blueschists from the Ile de Groix (Armorican Massif, France): a potential geobarometer
M Ballevre, P Pitra, M Bohn
Journal of metamorphic Geology 21 (7), 723-735, 2003
Tertiary ductile normal faulting as a consequence of lithospheric stacking in the western Alps
Mémoires de la Société géologique de France (1833) 156, 227-236, 1990
La «nappe de la Dent-Blanche»(Alpes occidentales): deux unités austroalpines indépendantes
M Ballèvre, JR Kienast, JP Vuichard
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 79 (1), 57-74, 1986
Mountain building and exhumation processes through time: inferences from nature and models
D Gapais, F Cagnard, F Gueydan, P Barbey, M Ballevre
Terra Nova 21 (3), 188-194, 2009
Pre‐Alpine (Variscan) inheritance: a key for the location of the future Valaisan Basin (Western Alps)
M Ballevre, P Manzotti, GV Dal Piaz
Tectonics 37 (3), 786-817, 2018
Deformation and motion in the Western Alpine arc
P Choukroune, M Ballèvre, P Cobbold, Y Gautier, O Merle, JP Vuichard
Tectonics 5 (2), 215-226, 1986
Geochronology and geochemistry of Ordovician felsic volcanism in the Southern Armorican Massif (Variscan belt, France): Implications for the breakup of Gondwana
M Ballevre, S Fourcade, R Capdevila, JJ Peucat, A Cocherie, CM Fanning
Gondwana Research 21 (4), 1019-1036, 2012
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