Luciana Salete Buriol
Luciana Salete Buriol
Computer Science, UFRGS and Amazon
Верификована је имејл адреса на amazon.com
Piecing together the NFV provisioning puzzle: Efficient placement and chaining of virtual network functions
MC Luizelli, LR Bays, LS Buriol, MP Barcellos, LP Gaspary
2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2015
Preferential attachment in the growth of social networks: The internet encyclopedia Wikipedia
A Capocci, VDP Servedio, F Colaiori, LS Buriol, D Donato, S Leonardi, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (3 …, 2006
Counting triangles in data streams
LS Buriol, G Frahling, S Leonardi, A Marchetti-Spaccamela, C Sohler
Proceedings of the twenty-fifth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2006
Three-dimensional protein structure prediction: Methods and computational strategies
M Dorn, MB e Silva, LS Buriol, LC Lamb
Computational biology and chemistry 53, 251-276, 2014
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the weight setting problem in OSPF/IS‐IS routing
LS Buriol, MGC Resende, CC Ribeiro, M Thorup
Networks: An International Journal 46 (1), 36-56, 2005
A new memetic algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem
L Buriol, PM França, P Moscato
Journal of Heuristics 10, 483-506, 2004
Temporal analysis of the wikigraph
LS Buriol, C Castillo, D Donato, S Leonardi, S Millozzi
2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main …, 2006
A fix-and-optimize approach for efficient and large scale virtual network function placement and chaining
MC Luizelli, WL da Costa Cordeiro, LS Buriol, LP Gaspary
Computer Communications 102, 67-77, 2017
A fix-and-optimize heuristic for the high school timetabling problem
ÁP Dorneles, OCB De Araújo, LS Buriol
Computers & Operations Research 52, 29-38, 2014
Speeding up dynamic shortest-path algorithms
LS Buriol, MGC Resende, M Thorup
INFORMS Journal on Computing 20 (2), 191-204, 2008
On the minimization of traffic congestion in road networks with tolls
F Stefanello, LS Buriol, MJ Hirsch, PM Pardalos, T Querido, ...
Annals of Operations Research 249, 119-139, 2017
A memetic algorithm for OSPF routing
LS Buriol, MGC Resende, CC Ribeiro, M Thorup
Proceedings of the 6th INFORMS Telecom, 187-188, 2002
Survivable IP network design with OSPF routing
LS Buriol, MGC Resende, M Thorup
Networks: An International Journal 49 (1), 51-64, 2007
Security-aware optimal resource allocation for virtual network embedding
LR Bays, RR Oliveira, LS Buriol, MP Barcellos, LP Gaspary
2012 8th international conference on network and service management (cnsm …, 2012
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for road congestion minimization
LS Buriol, MJ Hirsch, PM Pardalos, T Querido, MGC Resende, M Ritt
Optimization Letters 4, 619-633, 2010
Temporal evolution of the wikigraph
L Buriol, C Castillo, D Donato, S Leonardi, S Millozzi
Proceedings of Web Intelligence, 45-51, 2006
A column generation approach to high school timetabling modeled as a multicommodity flow problem
ÁP Dorneles, OCB de Araújo, LS Buriol
European Journal of Operational Research 256 (3), 685-695, 2017
A biased random‐key genetic algorithm for OSPF and DEFT routing to minimize network congestion
R Reis, M Ritt, LS Buriol, MGC Resende
International Transactions in Operational Research 18 (3), 401-423, 2011
Genetic algorithms for the no-wait flowshop sequencing problem with time restrictions
PM Franca, G Tin Jr, LS Buriol
International Journal of Production Research 44 (5), 939-957, 2006
A relax-and-fix and fix-and-optimize algorithm for a maritime inventory routing problem
MW Friske, LS Buriol, E Camponogara
Computers & Operations Research 137, 105520, 2022
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