Jesse Kreye
Jesse Kreye
Верификована је имејл адреса на psu.edu
Toward a mechanism for eastern North American forest mesophication: differential litter drying across 17 species
JK Kreye, JM Varner, JK Hiers, J Mola
Ecological Applications 23 (8), 1976-1986, 2013
The flammability of forest and woodland litter: a synthesis
JM Varner, JM Kane, JK Kreye, E Engber
Current Forestry Reports 1, 91-99, 2015
Mesophication of oak landscapes: Evidence, knowledge gaps, and future research
HD Alexander, C Siegert, JS Brewer, J Kreye, MA Lashley, JK McDaniel, ...
BioScience 71 (5), 531-542, 2021
Fire behavior in masticated fuels: A review
JK Kreye, NW Brewer, P Morgan, JM Varner, AMS Smith, CM Hoffman, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 314, 193-207, 2014
Mesophytic litter dampens flammability in fire‐excluded pyrophytic oak–hickory woodlands
JK Kreye, JM Varner, GW Hamby, JM Kane
Ecosphere 9 (1), e02078, 2018
Suites of fire-adapted traits of oaks in the southeastern USA: multiple strategies for persistence
JM Varner, JM Kane, JK Hiers, JK Kreye, JW Veldman
Fire Ecology 12, 48-64, 2016
Effects of fuel load and moisture content on fire behaviour and heating in masticated litter-dominated fuels
JK Kreye, LN Kobziar, WC Zipperer
International Journal of Wildland Fire 22 (4), 440-445, 2012
Moisture desorption in mechanically masticated fuels: effects of particle fracturing and fuelbed compaction
JK Kreye, JM Varner, EE Knapp
International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (7), 894-904, 2012
Spatial and temporal variability of forest floor duff characteristics in long-unburned Pinus palustris forests
JK Kreye, JM Varner, CJ Dugaw
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44 (12), 1477-1486, 2014
Effects of particle fracturing and moisture content on fire behaviour in masticated fuelbeds burned in a laboratory
JK Kreye, JM Varner, EE Knapp
International Journal of Wildland Fire 20 (2), 308-317, 2011
Mesophytic litter dampens flammability in fireexcluded pyrophytic oak-hickory woodlands. Ecosphere 9: e02078
JK Kreye, JM Varner, GW Hamby, JM Kane
Litter flammability of 50 southeastern North American tree species: Evidence for mesophication gradients across multiple ecosystems
JM Varner, JM Kane, JK Kreye, TM Shearman
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4, 727042, 2021
Effects of solar heating on the moisture dynamics of forest floor litter in humid environments: composition, structure, and position matter
JK Kreye, JK Hiers, JM Varner, B Hornsby, S Drukker, JJ O’brien
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48 (11), 1331-1342, 2018
Litter trait driven dampening of flammability following deciduous forest community shifts in eastern North America
JM Kane, JK Kreye, R Barajas-Ramirez, JM Varner
Forest Ecology and Management 489, 119100, 2021
Radiant heating rapidly increases litter flammability through impacts on fuel moisture
JK Kreye, JM Kane, JM Varner, JK Hiers
Fire Ecology 16, 1-10, 2020
The effect of mastication on surface fire behaviour, fuels consumption and tree mortality in pine flatwoods of Florida, USA
JK Kreye, LN Kobziar
International Journal of Wildland Fire 24 (4), 573-579, 2015
Immediate and short-term response of understory fuels following mechanical mastication in a pine flatwoods site of Florida, USA
JK Kreye, LN Kobziar, JM Camp
Forest Ecology and Management 313, 340-354, 2014
Can restoration of fire‐dependent ecosystems reduce ticks and tick‐borne disease prevalence in the eastern United States?
MR Gallagher, JK Kreye, ET Machtinger, A Everland, N Schmidt, ...
Ecological Applications 32 (7), e2637, 2022
Moisture desorption in mechanically masticated fuels: effects of
JK Kreye, JM Varner, EE Knapp
Flammability of litter from southeastern trees: a preliminary assessment
JM Varner, JM Kane, EM Banwell, JK Kreye
In Proceedings of the 17th biennial southern silvicultural research …, 2015
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