Aulakh CS
Aulakh CS
Principal Agronomist, Punjab Agricultural University
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Evaluation of microbial culture (Jeevamrit) preparation and its effect on productivity of field crops
CS Aulakh, H Singh, SS Walia, RP Phutela, G Singh
Indian Journal of Agronomy 58 (2), 182-186, 2013
A review of the influences of organic farming on soil quality, crop productivity and produce quality
CS Aulakh, S Sharma, M Thakur, P Kaur
Journal of Plant Nutrition 45 (12), 1884-1905, 2022
Organic farming in Indian context: A perspective
CS Aulakh, N Ravisankar
Agricultural Research Journal 54 (2), 149-164, 2017
Effect of sowing date, nitrogen and row spacing on growth, yield attributes and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea).
GS Buttar, CS Aulakh
Alternate cropping systems to rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) for Punjab
SS Walia, MS Gill, B Bhushan, RP Phutela, CS Aulakh
Indian Journal of Agronomy 56 (1), 20-27, 2011
Productivity and water use of organic wheat–chickpea intercropping system under limited moisture conditions in Northwest India
B Singh, CS Aulakh, SS Walia
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 34 (2), 134-143, 2019
Organic farming research in India: Potential technologies and way forward
N Ravisankar, MA Ansari, AS Panwar, CS Aulakh, SK Sharma, ...
Indian J. Agron 66 (5th IAC Special issue), S142-S162, 2021
Variation in forage yield and quality trait of dual purpose barley under different agronomic practices
G Kaur, A Singh, CS Aulakh, JS Gill
Forage Research 39 (1), 42-44, 2013
Effect of organic farming on the restoration of soil quality, ecosystem services, and productivity in rice–wheat agro-ecosystems
AS Panwar, MA Ansari, N Ravisankar, S Babu, AK Prusty, PC Ghasal, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 972394, 2022
Productivity and quality of basmati rice (Oryza sativa) in relation to nitrogen management
CS Aulakh, P Kaur, SS Walia, RS Gill, S Sharma, GS Buttar
Indian Journal of Agronomy 61 (4), 467-473, 2016
Energy-efficiency indices of alternative cropping systems of North-West India
SS Walia, RS Gill, CS Aulakh, M Kaur
Indian Journal of Agronomy 59 (3), 359-363, 2014
Assessing soil quality under long-term organic vis-a-vis chemical farming after twelve years in north-western India
D Nima, CS Aulakh, S Sharma, SS Kukal
Journal of Plant Nutrition 44 (8), 1175-1192, 2020
Integrated management of red sprangletop [Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees] in transplanted rice
CS Aulakh, SP Mehra
Indian Journal of Weed Science 38 (3and4), 225-229, 2006
Farmers' perceptions on organic farming in Punjab.
CS Aulakh, SS Surjit Singh, SS Walia, GK Gurpreet Kaur
Evaluation of dual purpose barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as influenced by varieties, row spacing and time of cutting
G Kaur, CS Aulakh, JS Gill
Indian Journal of Ecology 36 (2), 143-145, 2009
Evaluation of nutrient sources for organic production of rice (Oryza sativa)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system in north-West India
CS Aulakh, H Singh, SS Walia, RP Phutela, G Singh
Indian Journal of Agronomy 63 (2), 137-144, 2018
Effect of integrated nitrogen management on NPK uptake in basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.)
PK Gill, CS Aulakh
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 10 (1), 258, 2018
Effect on growth and yield of intercrops in wheat+ chickpea intercropping under limited nutrition and moisture
B Singh, CS Aulakh
Indian J Ecol 44 (5), 507-511, 2017
Bioformulation of Azotobacter spp. and Streptomyces badius on the productivity, economics and energetics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
P Kumar, SK Brar, G Pandove, CS Aulakh
Energy 232, 120868, 2021
Effect of nutrient sources on productivity of fodder cropping systems in Punjab
CS Aulakh, MS Gill, RK Mahey, SS Walia, G Singh
Indian Journal of Agronomy 57 (2), 200-205, 2012
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