Sergio A. Celis
Sergio A. Celis
University of Granada - Instituto de Investigaciones en Estratigrafía IIES
Верификована је имејл адреса на ucaldas.edu.co
Sedimentary record of the Cretaceous–Paleocene arc–continent collision in the northwestern Colombian Andes: Insights from stratigraphic and provenance constraints
A Pardo-Trujillo, A Cardona, AS Giraldo, S León, DF Vallejo, ...
Sedimentary Geology 401, 105627, 2020
Deciphering influencing processes in a tropical delta system (middle-late Eocene? To Early Miocene, Colombian Caribbean): signals from a well-core integrative sedimentological …
SA Celis, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, A Pardo-Trujillo, F García-García, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 127, 104368, 2023
Paleoenvironmental conditions over the Caribbean Large Igneous Province during the Late Cretaceous in NW of South American Margin: A sedimentological and ichnological approach
CA Giraldo-Villegas, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, SA Celis, A Pardo-Trujillo, ...
Cretaceous Research 142, 105407, 2023
Evolution of a fluvial-dominated delta during the Oligocene of the Colombian Caribbean: Sedimentological and ichnological signatures in well-cores
SA Celis, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, CA Giraldo-Villegas, A Pardo-Trujillo
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 111, 103440, 2021
Cenozoic geologic evolution of the southern Tumaco forearc basin (SW Colombian Pacific)
A Pardo-Trujillo, S Echeverri, C Borrero, A Arenas, F Vallejo, R Trejos, ...
The geology of Colombia 3, 215-247, 2020
Coarse-grained submarine channels: from confined to unconfined flows in the Colombian Caribbean (late Eocene)
SA Celis, F García-García, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, CA Giraldo-Villegas, ...
Sedimentary Geology 459, 106550, 2024
Ichnological analysis of the Upper Miocene in the ANH-Tumaco-1-ST-P well: assessing paleoenvironmental conditions at the Tumaco Basin, in the Colombian Pacific
CA Giraldo-Villegas, SA Celis, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, A Pardo-Trujillo, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 71, 41-53, 2016
Miocene vanishing of the central American seaway between the panamá arc and the south American plate
F Vallejo-Hincapié, A Pardo-Trujillo, Á Barbosa-Espitia, D Aguirre, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 136 (11-12), 4798-4814, 2024
Estratigrafía del Neógeno Superior al sur de la cuenca Tumaco (Pacífico colombiano): la Formación Cascajal, propuesta de redefinición litoestratigráfica
S Echeverri, A Pardo-Trujillo, C Borrero, A Cardona, S Rosero, SA Celis, ...
Boletín de Geología 38 (4), 43-60, 2016
The Phycosiphon record in the Ladrilleros-Juanchaco section (Miocene, Colombian Pacifi c): palaeoecological implications
SA Celis, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, A Pardo-Trujillo
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology 33 (2), 277-288, 2018
Calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of Upper Miocene to Pliocene deposits of the Sinú-San Jacinto Belt, Caribbean region of Colombia
A Ospina-Muñoz, I Marquez, F Vallejo-Hincapié, A Salazar-Ríos, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 129, 104468, 2023
Variable Ophiomorpha ichnofabric: Improving the understanding of mouth bar environments in fan-delta complex depositional settings from the Upper Cretaceous of NW South America
CA Giraldo-Villegas, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, SA Celis, A Pardo-Trujillo
Cretaceous Research 154, 105730, 2024
Tratamiento de imágenes y análisis icnológico: Aplicación al estudio de Zoophycos en el Mioceno del Pacífico Colombiano
SA Celis, J Dorador, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, C Giraldo-Villegas, ...
Actas de las XXXII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 125-131, 2016
Ichnological indicators of physico-chemical stresses in wave-to tide-dominated Miocene shallow marine environments (Argentine Patagonia)
SA Celis, D Moyano-Paz, S Richiano, JI Cuitiño, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar
Sedimentary Geology 472, 106755, 2024
Petrografía y cartografía de la aureola de contacto de la Granodiorita de Mariquita (departamento del Tolima, Cordillera Central colombiana)
SA Celis, CA Giraldo-Villegas, LM Toro-Toro, E Osorio-Granada
Boletín de Geología 38 (3), 31-40, 2016
Sediment provenance signal of the Northern Andes during the Oligocene-Pliocene: Insights from the detrital record of the forearc and intra-arc basins, northwestern Colombian margin
S Echeverri, SA Celis, A Pardo-Trujillo
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 152, 105316, 2025
MicroRange, a tool for determining the stratigraphic distribution and geologic age of microfossils
R Trejos-Tamayo, JP Betancur, A Ospina, DFV Hincapié, Á Plata, ...
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