Compromising system and user interests in shelter location and evacuation planning
V Bayram, BÇ Tansel, H Yaman
Transportation research part B: methodological 72, 146-163, 2015
Optimization models for large scale network evacuation planning and management: A literature review
V Bayram
Computers and Operations Research: Surveys in Operations Research and …, 2016
Shelter Location and Evacuation Route Assignment under Uncertainty: A Benders Decomposition Approach
V Bayram, H Yaman
Transportation Science 52 (2), 416 - 436, 2018
A stochastic programming approach for shelter location and evacuation planning
V Bayram, H Yaman
RAIRO-Oper. Res. 52, 779-805, 2018
Hub Network Design Problem with Capacity, Congestion and Stochastic Demand Considerations
V Bayram, B Yıldız, S Farham
Transportation Science 57 (5), 1115-1401, 2023
Joint Capacity, Inventory and Demand Allocation Decisions in Manufacturing Systems
V Bayram, F Gzara, S Elhedhli
IISE Transactions 51 (3), 248-265, 2019
A Joint Demand and Supply Management Approach to Large Scale Urban Evacuation Planning: Evacuate or Shelter-in-Place, Staging and Dynamic Resource Allocation
V Bayram, HY Paternotte
European Journal of Operational Research 313 (1), 171-191, 2024
Optimal Order Batching in Warehouse Management: A Data-Driven Robust Approach
V Bayram, G Baloch, F Gzara, S Elhedhli
INFORMS Journal on Optimization 4 (3), 278-303, 2022
Humanitarian logistics under uncertainty: planning for sheltering and evacuation
V Bayram, BY Kara, F Saldanha-da-Gama, H Yaman
International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 347 …, 2023
Optimizing the capacity and operation of US Army ammunition production facilities
V Bayram, GG Brown, RF Dell
Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2012
Robot yer seçimi ve işçi-istasyon ataması düşünceleri altında hat dengeleme optimizasyonu: Bir bulaşık makinesi fabrikası vaka analizi
İ Baş, Ö Tosun, V Bayram
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 27 (4), 495-503, 2021
Sipariş toplama sıklığı düşünceleri altında veri güdümlü depolama yeri atama problemi: Sezgisel bir yaklaşım
İ Çobanoğlu, İ Güre, V Bayram
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 27 (4), 520-531, 2021
Nonlinear mixed integer programming models and algorithms for fair and efficient large scale evacuation planning
V Bayram
PQDT-Global, 2015
Data Driven Storage Location Assignment Problem Considering Order Picking Frequencies: A Heuristic Approach
İ Çobanoğlu, İ Güre, V Bayram
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 27 (4), 520-531, 2021
Line Balancing Optimization under Robot Location and Worker-Station Assignment Considerations: A Case Study of a Dishwasher Factory
İ Baş, Ö Tosun, V Bayram
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 27 (4), 495-503, 2021
Multi-Period Hub Network Design from a Dual Perspective: An Integrated Approach Considering Congestion, Demand Uncertainty, and Service Quality Optimization
V Bayram, Ç Aydoğan, K Kargar
SSRN https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4752030, 2024
An Exact Second Order Cone Programming Approach for Traffic Assignment Problems
V Bayram
RAIRO: Operations Research 58, 847–864, 2024
Rethinking Public Transit as a Means of Distributing Social Aid: A Learning-Based Decomposition Approach
B Yildiz, V Bayram, V Akbari, AK Dogru, P Keskinocak
Available at SSRN 4671750, 2023
Supplement for Joint Capacity, Inventory and Demand Allocation Decisions in Manufacturing Systems by Vedat Bayram, Fatma Gzara and Samir Elhedhli
V Bayrama, F Gzarab, S Elhedhlib
IISE Transactions 51 (3), Online Supplement, 2019
Trafik Yoğunluğu Ve Kapasite Düşünceleri Altında Ana Dağıtım Üssü Yer Seçimi
V Bayram
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