Muhamad Ichsan Sabillah
Muhamad Ichsan Sabillah
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The effect of plyometric exercise and leg muscle strength on the power limb of wrestling athletes
MI Sabillah, A Nasrulloh, R Yuniana
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 22 (6), 1403-1411, 2022
The influence of hurdle drill, ladder drill and agility training on women's football skills
G Pamungkas, S Sumaryanto, K Komarudin, Y Prasetyo, MI Sabillah, ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 127-133, 2023
Revitalizing student physical fitness: The vital role of post? pandemic physical activity programs
B HB, AS Wahyuri, F Zarya, MI Sabillah, F Annasai
Fizjoterapia Pol/Polish J Physiother 23 (4), 226-232, 2023
Pentingnya kepercayaan diri atlet bola basket: Studi literature review
F Mukhtarsyaf, S Suryanto, A Priambodo, R Iqbal, MI Sabillah
Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi) 18 (3), 70-76, 2022
Pengaruh Status Gizi, Kebugaran Jasmani, Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar PJOK SD
G Osrita, W Welis, W Rasyid, A Alnedral, F Zarya, MI Sabillah
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia 16 (2), 224-239, 2020
The effect of playing playdough and collage on improving fine motor skills in early childhood in terms of independence
RG Wijaya, D Darizal, MI Sabillah, F Annasai, ESM Fitri
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 1146-1152, 2024
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Kesehatan Berbasis Blended Learning di Era Pandemi Covid 19
MI Sabillah, A Nasrulloh
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia 18 (1), 16-26, 2022
The role of sport psychology in improving the performance of badminton athletes: a systematic review El papel de la psicología del deporte en la mejora del rendimiento de las …
RA Hidayat, MI Sabillah, D Rahman, F Zarya, Y Ockta
Retos 2041 (61), 1126-1137, 2024
The Effect of Command Training Methods, Exploration and Motivation Training Methods on the Smash Ability Results of Junior Sepak Takraw Athletes
P Hirwana, A Alnedral, A Komain, P Padli, F Zarya, MI Sabillah, A Munir
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis 6 (02), 518-530, 2023
Pengaruh Latihan Pliometrik dan Kekuatan Otot Tungkai terhadap Power Tungkai Atlet Gulat Pesisir Selatan
MI Sabillah
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 22 (6), 2017
Improvement of gross motor skills in children with hearing loss: through a game model reviewed from the aspect of independence Mejora de la motricidad gruesa en niños con …
MI Sabillah, K Faizah, B Irawan, D Rahman, F Zarya, J Ndayisenga, ...
Retos 61, 1116-1125, 2024
Integrated training plan for youth soccer players: Focus on SABC
A Ardiansyah, S Sumaryanto, K Komarudin, MI Sabillah, R Rusdin, ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 418-426, 2024
Metode latihan basic skill sepak bola untuk siswa sekolah sepak bola usia 10-12 tahun
A Febrianta, M Ichsan Sabillah
JORPRES (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi) 18 (2), 2022
The role of sport psychology in improving the performance of badminton athletes: a systematic review
B Bafirman, RA Hidayat, MI Sabillah, D Rahman, F Zarya, Y Ockta, ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 1126-1137, 2024
The effectiveness of the circuit bodyweight training method in improving cardiovascular endurance
R Yuniana, A Nasrulloh, FI Nurhadi, S Sumaryanto, MI Sabillah, ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 1220-1225, 2024
Sudut pandang filsafat terhadap kesehatan olahraga
F Annasai, MI Sabillah
Majalah Ilmiah Olahraga (MAJORA) 27 (2), 2021, 2021
Motivation-centred innovative coaching for taekwondo and karate athletes in Yogyakarta and Bujumbura cities
I Tomoliyus, A Alim, S Sumaryanti, J Ndayisenga, I Subagio, MI Sabillah
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 369-373, 2024
Comparative analysis of the musculoskeletal system disorders and the stress level of sports faculties students in Indonesia and Malaysia
R Yuniana, T Tomoliyus, BMW Kushartanti, A Nasrulloh, C Rismayanthi, ...
Health, sport, rehabilitation 9 (2), 22-37, 2023
Effect of water game model on gross motor improvement of deaf children in SLB N Mesuji Lampung
B Irawan, S Sumaryanti, M Ichsan
Int. J. Phys. Educ. Sports Health 10, 211-214, 2023
The Effect of Playdough Play on Early Childhood Fine Motor Improvement in Yogyakarta National Kindergarten
D Darizal, P Sutapa, B Suhartini, MI Sabillah, F Annasai
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis 6 (03), 879-883, 2023
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