Herman S. Grutter
Herman S. Grutter
Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta
Верификована је имејл адреса на ualberta.ca
An updated classification scheme for mantle-derived garnet, for use by diamond explorers
HS Grütter, JJ Gurney, AH Menzies, F Winter
Lithos 77 (1-4), 841-857, 2004
The elusive lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath cratons
DW Eaton, F Darbyshire, RL Evans, H Grütter, AG Jones, X Yuan
Lithos 109 (1-2), 1-22, 2009
Internally consistent geothermometers for garnet peridotites and pyroxenites
P Nimis, H Grütter
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 159, 411-427, 2010
Cr-saturation arrays in concentrate garnet compositions from kimberlite and their use in mantle barometry
H Grütter, D Latti, A Menzies
Journal of Petrology 47 (4), 801-820, 2006
Macrocrystal phlogopite Rb–Sr dates for the Ekati property kimberlites, Slave Province, Canada: evidence for multiple intrusive episodes in the Paleocene and Eocene
RA Creaser, H Grütter, J Carlson, B Crawford
Lithos 76 (1-4), 399-414, 2004
Compositional classification of “kimberlitic” and “non-kimberlitic” ilmenite
BA Wyatt, M Baumgartner, E Anckar, H Grutter
Lithos 77 (1-4), 819-840, 2004
Lithosphere development in the Slave craton: a linked crustal and mantle perspective
WJ Davis, AG Jones, W Bleeker, H Grütter
Lithos 71 (2-4), 575-589, 2003
Crust–mantle coupling: evidence from mantle-derived xenocrystic garnets
HS Grütter, DB Apter, J Kong
Proceedings of the 7th International Kimberlite Conference 1, 307-313, 1999
Pyroxene xenocryst geotherms: Techniques and application
HS Grütter
Lithos 112, 1167-1178, 2009
Lithospheric structure, evolution and diamond prospectivity of the Rehoboth Terrane and western Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa: Constraints from broadband magnetotellurics
MR Muller, AG Jones, RL Evans, HS Grütter, C Hatton, X Garcia, ...
Lithos 112, 93-105, 2009
Parental carbonatitic melt of the Koala kimberlite (Canada): Constraints from melt inclusions in olivine and Cr-spinel, and groundmass carbonate
VS Kamenetsky, H Grütter, MB Kamenetsky, K Gömann
Chemical Geology 353, 96-111, 2013
Peridotitic mantle xenoliths from kimberlites on the Ekati Diamond Mine property, NWT, Canada: major element compositions and implications for the lithosphere beneath the …
A Menzies, K Westerlund, H Grütter, J Gurney, J Carlson, A Fung, ...
Lithos 77 (1-4), 395-412, 2004
Stratigraphic relations, kimberlite emplacement and lithospheric thermal evolution, Quiricó Basin, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
G Read, H Grutter, S Winter, N Luckman, F Gaunt, F Thomsen
Lithos 77 (1-4), 803-818, 2004
Temporal, geomagnetic and related attributes of kimberlite magmatism at Ekati, Northwest Territories, Canada
G Lockhart, H Grütter, J Carlson
Lithos 77 (1-4), 665-682, 2004
U–Pb geochronology and Sr/Nd isotope compositions of groundmass perovskite from the newly discovered Jurassic Chidliak kimberlite field, Baffin Island, Canada
LM Heaman, J Pell, HS Grütter, RA Creaser
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 415, 183-199, 2015
The Carolina kimberlite, Brazil—insights into an unconventional diamond deposit
L Hunt, T Stachel, R Morton, H Grütter, RA Creaser
Lithos 112, 843-851, 2009
Exploration and discovery of the Chidliak kimberlite province, Baffin Island, Nunavut: Canada’s newest diamond district
J Pell, H Grütter, S Neilson, G Lockhart, S Dempsey, H Grenon
Proceedings of 10th International Kimberlite Conference: Volume 2, 209-227, 2013
Small mantle fragments from the Renard kimberlites, Quebec: powerful recorders of mantle lithosphere formation and modification beneath the eastern Superior craton
L Hunt, T Stachel, H Grütter, J Armstrong, TE McCandless, A Simonetti, ...
Journal of Petrology 53 (8), 1597-1635, 2012
Mantle-derived indicator mineral compositions as applied to diamond exploration
HO Cookenboo, HS Grütter
AAG/Geological Society of London 10 (1), 81-95, 2010
Exploration geology of the Luxinga kimberlite cluster (Angola) with evidence supporting the presence of kimberlite lava
R Eley, H Grütter, A Louw, C Tunguno, J Twidale
International Kimberlite Conference: Extended Abstracts 9, 2008
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