Natacha Bourg
Natacha Bourg
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO)
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Driving the blue fleet: Temporal variability and drivers behind bluebottle (Physalia physalis) beachings off Sydney, Australia
N Bourg, A Schaeffer, P Cetina-Heredia, JC Lawes, D Lee
Plos one 17 (3), e0265593, 2022
Northern boundary current variability and mesoscale dynamics: a long-term HF RADAR monitoring in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea
N Bourg, A Molcard
Ocean Dynamics 71 (8), 851-870, 2021
Breakdown of near-surface sea current from high-frequency radar data
A Cáceres-Euse, A Molcard, N Bourg, D Dumas, CA Guérin, G Besio
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39 (12), 1927-1942, 2022
Dynamics and transport from the boundary Northern Current toward the Toulon Bay: multi-platform observations and downscaling modelling approaches
A Molcard, A Gramoullé, C Mazoyer, N Bourg, Y Ourmières
Ocean Dynamics 71, 993-1009, 2021
Ocean wanderers: A lab-based investigation into the effect of wind and morphology on the drift of Physalia spp.
N Bourg, A Schaeffer, A Molcard, C Luneau, DE Hewitt, R Chemin
Marine Pollution Bulletin 207, 116856, 2024
East Australian Current System: Frontal Barrier and Fine‐Scale Control of Chlorophyll‐a Distribution
N Bourg, A Schaeffer, A Molcard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 129 (3), e2023JC020312, 2024
Interactions between boundary currents, fronts and eddies in the Northern Current and the East Australian Current.: Transport dynamics and application to the journey of …
N Bourg
Université de Toulon, 2024
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