Stephen T. Johnston
Stephen T. Johnston
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta
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Cretaceous tectonic evolution of South China: A preliminary synthesis
J Li, Y Zhang, S Dong, ST Johnston
Earth-Science Reviews 134, 98-136, 2014
The Laramide orogeny: What were the driving forces?
JM English, ST Johnston
International Geology Review 46 (9), 833-838, 2004
The Great Alaskan Terrane Wreck: reconciliation of paleomagnetic and geological data in the northern Cordillera
ST Johnston
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (3-4), 259-272, 2001
Cocos-Nazca slab window beneath central America
ST Johnston, DJ Thorkelson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 146 (3-4), 465-474, 1997
Diachronous post‐orogenic magmatism within a developing orocline in Iberia, European Variscides
G Gutiérrez‐Alonso, J Fernández‐Suárez, TE Jeffries, ST Johnston, ...
Tectonics 30 (5), 2011
The cordilleran ribbon continent of North America
ST Johnston
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 36 (1), 495-530, 2008
Thermal modelling of the Laramide orogeny: testing the flat-slab subduction hypothesis
JM English, ST Johnston, K Wang
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (3-4), 619-632, 2003
Self-subduction of the Pangaean global plate
G Gutiérrez-Alonso, J Fernández-Suárez, AB Weil, J Brendan Murphy, ...
Nature Geoscience 1 (8), 549-553, 2008
An Andean-type retro-arc foreland system beneath northwest South China revealed by SINOPROBE profiling
J Li, S Dong, PA Cawood, G Zhao, ST Johnston, Y Zhang, Y Xin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 490, 170-179, 2018
Oroclines: Thick and thin
ST Johnston, AB Weil, G Gutiérrez-Alonso
Bulletin 125 (5-6), 643-663, 2013
Kinematic constraints on buckling a lithospheric-scale orocline along the northern margin of Gondwana: A geologic synthesis
AB Weil, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, ST Johnston, D Pastor-Galán
Tectonophysics 582, 25-49, 2013
New insights into Phanerozoic tectonics of south China: Part 1, polyphase deformation in the Jiuling and Lianyunshan domains of the central Jiangnan Orogen
J Li, S Dong, Y Zhang, G Zhao, ST Johnston, J Cui, Y Xin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (4), 3048-3080, 2016
New insights into Phanerozoic tectonics of South China: Early Paleozoic sinistral and Triassic dextral transpression in the east Wuyishan and Chencai domains, NE Cathaysia
J Li, Y Zhang, G Zhao, ST Johnston, S Dong, A Koppers, DP Miggins, ...
Tectonics 36 (5), 819-853, 2017
Provenance variability along the Early Ordovician north Gondwana margin: Paleogeographic and tectonic implications of U-Pb detrital zircon ages from the Armorican Quartzite of …
J Shaw, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, ST Johnston, DP Galán
Bulletin 126 (5-6), 702-719, 2014
Oroclines of the Variscan orogen of Iberia: Paleocurrent analysis and paleogeographic implications
J Shaw, ST Johnston, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, AB Weil
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 329, 60-70, 2012
The missing Rheic Ocean magmatic arcs: provenance analysis of Late Paleozoic sedimentary clastic rocks of SW Iberia
MF Pereira, M Chichorro, ST Johnston, G Gutiérrez-Alonso, JB Silva, ...
Gondwana Research 22 (3-4), 882-891, 2012
Dating of lithospheric buckling: 40Ar/39Ar ages of syn-orocline strike–slip shear zones in northwestern Iberia
G Gutiérrez-Alonso, AS Collins, J Fernández-Suárez, D Pastor-Galán, ...
Tectonophysics 643, 44-54, 2015
Buckling an orogen: the Cantabrian Orocline
G Gutiérrez-Alonso, ST Johnston, AB Weil, D Pastor-Galán, ...
GSA Today 22 (7), 4-9, 2012
The Cape Fold Belt and Syntaxis and the rotated Falkland Islands: dextral transpressional tectonics along the southwest margin of Gondwana
ST Johnston
Journal of African Earth Sciences 31 (1), 51-63, 2000
The odyssey of the Cache Creek terrane, Canadian Cordillera: Implications for accretionary orogens, tectonic setting of Panthalassa, the Pacific superwell, and break-up of Pangea
ST Johnston, GD Borel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 253 (3-4), 415-428, 2007
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