Ali Anwar
Ali Anwar
Верификована је имејл адреса на jmu.edu
Strategic imperatives of mobile commerce in developing countries: the influence of consumer innovativeness, ubiquity, perceived value, risk, and cost on usage
A Anwar, N Thongpapanl, AR Ashraf
Journal of Strategic Marketing 29 (8), 722-742, 2021
Perceived values and motivations influencing m-commerce use: A nine-country comparative study
AR Ashraf, NT Tek, A Anwar, L Lapa, V Venkatesh
International Journal of Information Management 59, 102318, 2021
Weathering a crisis: A multi-level analysis of resilience in young ventures
A Anwar, N Coviello, M Rouziou
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 47 (3), 864-892, 2023
“Give me one but not the other”: the substitution effects of supervisor’s organizational status and salesperson internal networking on performance growth trajectories
NY Lee, R Dugan, M Rouziou, A Anwar
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 41 (1), 28-38, 2020
Drivers and Barriers of Mobile Commerce: The Role of Consumers’ Personal Innovativeness
A Anwar
Brock University, 2018
The role of consumer innovativeness in mobile commerce usage: A comparison of two emerging countries: An abstract
AR Ashraf, N Thongpapanl, A Anwar
Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value …, 2018
Telling (mis) fitting new product stories: The role of consumer orientations, product innovativeness, and message framing on new product evaluations
AR Ashraf, M Hultman, N Thongpapanl, A Anwar
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2024
What Roles do Perceived Values and Motivations Play in M-Commerce Usage across National Contexts: An Abstract
AR Ashraf, N Thongpapanl, L Lapa, A Anwar
Enlightened Marketing in Challenging Times: Proceedings of the 2019 AMS …, 2020
2024 NCSM Research Papers & Abstracts
A Anwar, M Rouziou, N Coviello
Teaching Session Abstracts (By first author’s last name), 11, 0
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