岳程斐(Chengfei Yue)
岳程斐(Chengfei Yue)
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Active fault-tolerant control system design for spacecraft attitude maneuvers with actuator saturation and faults
Q Shen, C Yue, CH Goh, D Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (5), 3763-3772, 2018
Rigid-body attitude stabilization with attitude and angular rate constraints
Q Shen, C Yue, CH Goh, B Wu, D Wang
Automatica 90, 157-163, 2018
Velocity-free attitude reorientation of a flexible spacecraft with attitude constraints
Q Shen, C Yue, CH Goh
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 40 (5), 1293-1299, 2017
Dynamic analysis of 1-dof and 2-dof nonlinear energy sink with geometrically nonlinear damping and combined stiffness
Y Zhang, X Kong, C Yue, H Xiong
Nonlinear Dynamics 105 (1), 167-190, 2021
Rigid-body attitude tracking control under actuator faults and angular velocity constraints
Q Shen, C Yue, CH Goh, B Wu, D Wang
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23 (3), 1338-1349, 2018
Flexible satellite attitude maneuver via constrained torque distribution and active vibration suppression
X Cao, C Yue, M Liu
Aerospace Science and Technology 67, 387-397, 2017
STDMANet: Spatio-temporal differential multiscale attention network for small moving infrared target detection
P Yan, R Hou, X Duan, C Yue, X Wang, X Cao
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 61, 1-16, 2023
Time efficient spacecraft maneuver using constrained torque distribution
X Cao, C Yue, M Liu, B Wu
Acta Astronautica 123, 320-329, 2016
Fault-tolerant sliding mode attitude tracking control for flexible spacecraft with disturbance and modeling uncertainty
X Cao, C Yue, M Liu
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 9 (3), 1687814017690341, 2017
Robust fault-tolerant attitude tracking with guaranteed prescribed performance
C Yue, F Wang, X Cao, Q Shen, X Chen
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (1), 229-253, 2020
A novel three-axis attitude stabilization method using in-plane internal mass-shifting
L He, X Chen, KD Kumar, T Sheng, C Yue
Aerospace Science and Technology 92, 489-500, 2019
Fault modeling, estimation, and fault-tolerant steering logic design for single-gimbal control moment gyro
Q Shen, C Yue, X Yu, CH Goh
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (1), 428-435, 2020
Vibration analysis of a new nonlinear energy sink under impulsive load and harmonic excitation
Y Zhang, X Kong, C Yue
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 116, 106837, 2023
Attitude stabilization using two parallel single-gimbal control moment gyroscopes
C Yue, KD Kumar, Q Shen, CH Goh, TH Lee
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 42 (6), 1353-1364, 2019
Modeling of the CubeSat deployment and initial separation angular velocity estimation
J Guo, J Zhang, C Yue, F Wang
Aerospace Science and Technology 95, 105477, 2019
A systematic method for constrained attitude control under input saturation
C Yue, T Huo, M Lu, Q Shen, C Li, X Chen, X Cao
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 59 (5), 6005-6015, 2023
Two parallel single-gimbal control moment gyros actuated spacecraft attitude maneuver
C Yue, F Wu, F Wang, X Cao, Q Shen, KD Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56 (5), 4112-4123, 2020
LOVD: Land vehicle detection in complex scenes of optical remote sensing image
P Yan, X Liu, F Wang, C Yue, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-13, 2021
Hierarchical path planning for multi-arm spacecraft with general translational and rotational locomotion mode
CF Yue, T Lin, X Zhang, XQ Chen, XB Cao
Science China Technological Sciences 66 (4), 1180-1191, 2023
Autonomous low-thrust control of long-distance satellite clusters using artificial potential function
Y Yu, C Yue, H Li, F Wang
The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences 68 (1), 71-95, 2021
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