Arshad Khan
Arshad Khan
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerators: Promising technologies for self-powered implantable biomedical devices
A Khan, R Joshi, MK Sharma, A Ganguly, P Parashar, TW Wang, S Lee, ...
Nano Energy 119, 109051, 2024
Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and some plant pathogens on the growth and nodulation of lentil ( Lens culinaris Medik.)
ZA Siddiqui, A Khan, MR Khan, EF Abd-Allah
Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 53 (2), 195-211, 2018
Prevalence and correlates of smoking on the roof of the world
SMA Shah, AA Arif, GL Delclos, AR Khan, A Khan
Tobacco control 10 (1), e1-e1, 2001
Enhanced grain growth in the Sn doped Sb2S3 thin film absorber materials for solar cell applications
B Ismail, S Mushtaq, A Khan
Chalcogenide Letters 11 (1), 37-45, 2014
Application of homotopy analysis natural transform method to the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations
A Khan, M Junaid, I Khan, F Ali, K Shah, D Khan
Sci. Int.(Lahore) 29 (1), 297-303, 2017
Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.): Biology, Plant-Nematode Interactions and Their Environmentally Benign Management Strategies
A Khan, A Khan, A Ali, S Fatima, MA Siddiqui
Gesunde Pflanzen 75 (6), 2187-2205, 2023
Numerical investigation of MHD Cattaneo–Christov thermal flux frame work for Maxwell fluid flow over a steady extending surface with thermal generation in a porous medium
A Khan, IA Shah, A Khan, I Khan, WA Khan
International Journal of Thermofluids 20, 100418, 2023
Phytochemical Analysis and Binding Interaction of Cotton Seed Cake Derived Compounds with Target Protein of Meloidogyne incognita for Nematicidal Evaluation
FM Almutairi, A Khan, MR Ajmal, RH Khan, MF Khan, H Lal, MF Ullah, ...
Life 12 (12), 2109, 2022
Optimized routing method for wireless sensor networks based on improved ant colony algorithm
SP Khapre, S Chopra, A Khan, P Sharma, A Shankar
2020 10th international conference on cloud computing, data science …, 2020
Significance of Cu-Fe3O4 on fractional Maxwell fluid flow over a cone with Newtonian heating
H Hanif, A Khan, M Rijal Illias, S Shafie
Journal of Taibah University for Science 18 (1), 2285491, 2024
Unsteady rotating MHD flow of a second‐grade hybrid nanofluid in a porous medium: Laplace and Sumudu transforms
D Khan, P Kumam, I Khan, K Sitthithakerngkiet, A Khan, G Ali
Heat Transfer 51 (8), 8065-8083, 2022
On thermal distribution of MHD mixed convective flow of a Casson hybrid nanofluid over an exponentially stretching surface with impact of chemical reaction and ohmic heating
EA Algehyne, FM Alamrani, A Khan, KA Khan, SA Lone, A Saeed
Colloid and Polymer Science 302 (4), 503-516, 2024
Toxic effect of palpoluck (Polygonum hydropiper L.) plant extract against termites (Heterotermes indicola Was. and Coptotermes heimi Was.)
H Badshah, AS Khan, A Farid, A Khan
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol 27 (4), 705-710, 2005
Dufour and Soret diffusions phenomena for the chemically reactive MHD viscous fluid flow across a stretching sheet with variable properties
SA Lone, A Khan, H Alrabaiah, S Shahab, Z Raizah, I Ali
International journal of heat and fluid flow 107, 109352, 2024
Sivatherium (Artiodactyla, Ruminantia, Giraffidae) from the Upper Siwaliks, Pakistan
A Khan, M Khan, M Iqbal, M Akhtar, M Sarwar
J. Anim. Plant Sci 21, 202-206, 2011
A semi-analytical solution of the magnetohydrodynamic blood-based ternary hybrid nanofluid flow over a convectively heated bidirectional stretching surface under velocity slip …
SA Lone, A Khan, Z Raiza, H Alrabaiah, S Shahab, A Saeed, E Bonyah
AIP Advances 14 (4), 2024
Identifying challenges for clients in adopting sustainable public cloud computing
MJ Khan, F Ullah, M Imran, J Khan, A Khan, AS AlGhamdi, SS Alshamrani
Sustainability 14 (16), 9809, 2022
Root-Knot Disease Suppression in Eggplant Based on Three Growth Ages of Ganoderma lucidum
S Fatima, F Khan, M Asif, SS Alotaibi, K Islam, M Shariq, A Khan, M Ikram, ...
Microorganisms 10 (5), 1068, 2022
Ethnobotanical resources of Manikhel forests, Orakzai Tirah
H Ahmad, S Khan, A Khan, M Hamayun
Pakistan. J. Ethnobot. Leaflets (http://www. siu. edu/~ ebl/), 2004
Biotechnological tools to elucidate the mechanism of plant and nematode interactions
A Khan, S Chen, S Fatima, L Ahamad, MA Siddiqui
Plants 12 (12), 2387, 2023
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