Anoop Chawla
Anoop Chawla
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT New Delhi, INDIA
Верификована је имејл адреса на iitd.ac.in
Coupled bending, longitudinal and torsional vibrations of a cracked rotor
AK Darpe, K Gupta, A Chawla
Journal of sound and vibration 269 (1-2), 33-60, 2004
Transient response and breathing behaviour of a cracked Jeffcott rotor
AK Darpe, K Gupta, A Chawla
Journal of Sound and Vibration 272 (1-2), 207-243, 2004
Analysis of the response of a cracked Jeffcott rotor to axial excitation
AK Darpe, A Chawla, K Gupta
Journal of sound and vibration 249 (3), 429-445, 2002
Dynamics of a bowed rotor with a transverse surface crack
AK Darpe, K Gupta, A Chawla
Journal of Sound and Vibration 296 (4-5), 888-907, 2006
Dynamics of a two-crack rotor
AK Darpe, K Gupta, A Chawla
Journal of Sound and Vibration 259 (3), 649-675, 2003
Characterization of human passive muscles for impact loads using genetic algorithm and inverse finite element methods
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, B Karthikeyan
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 8, 67-76, 2009
Experimental investigations of the response of a cracked rotor to periodic axial excitation
AK Darpe, K Gupta, A Chawla
Journal of Sound and Vibration 260 (2), 265-286, 2003
Prediction of crushing behaviour of honeycomb structures
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, D Kumar, T Nakatani, M Ueno
International journal of crashworthiness 8 (3), 229-235, 2003
Influence of cultural, social and marketing factors on the buying behavior of telecom users: a comparative study of rural, semi-urban and urban areas in and around Chandigarh
I Sethi, AS Chawla
Journal of marketing management 2 (1), 97-110, 2014
Safer truck front design for pedestrian impacts
A Chawla, D Mohan, V Sharma, J Kajzer
Journal of Crush Prevention and Injury Control 2 (1), 33-43, 2000
Blade life: a comparison by cumulative damage theories
JS Rao, A Pathak, A Chawla
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 123 (4), 886-892, 2001
Finite element crash simulations of the human body: passive and active muscle modelling
S Mukherjee, A Chawla, B Karthikeyan, A Soni
Sadhana 32, 409-426, 2007
Impact modelling studies for a threewheeled scooter taxi
D Mohan, J Kajzer, KS Bawa-Bhalla, A Chawla
Accident Analysis & Prevention 29 (2), 161-170, 1997
Effect of addition of sapphire (Aluminum oxide) or silver fillers on the flexural strength, thermal diffusivity and water sorption of heat-polymerized acrylic resins
N Arora, V Jain, A Chawla, VP Mathur
Int J Prosthodont Restorat Dent 1 (1), 21-27, 2011
Motorcycle-car side impact simulation
S Mukherjee, A Chawla, D Mohan, M Singh, M Sakurai, Y Tamura
Proc. IRCOBI,(Isle of Man, UK), 2001
Characterisation of human diaphragm at high strain rate loading
P Gaur, A Chawla, K Verma, S Mukherjee, S Lalvani, R Malhotra, C Mayer
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 60, 603-616, 2016
Effect of muscle contraction on knee loading for a standing pedestrian in lateral impacts
A Soni, A Chawla, S Mukherjee
Proceedings of 20th ESV conference, 2007
Validation of the cervical spine model in THUMS
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, D Mohan, S Jain
Proceedings of the 19th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced …, 2005
Finite element reconstruction of real-world pedestrian accidents using THUMS pedestrian model
M Lalwala, A Chawla, P Thomas, S Mukherjee
International journal of crashworthiness, 2020
Life estimation of hip joint prosthesis
C Desai, H Hirani, A Chawla
Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 96, 261-267, 2015
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