Hui Liu
Hui Liu
Guangxi University
Верификована је имејл адреса на gxu.edu.cn
Decentralized vehicle-to-grid control for primary frequency regulation considering charging demands
H Liu, Z Hu, Y Song, J Lin
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 3480-3489, 2013
Vehicle-to-Grid Control for Supplementary Frequency Regulation Considering Charging Demands
H Liu, Z Hu, Y Song, J Wang, X Xie
6 30 (Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on), 3110-3119, 2015
Dynamic state estimation for multi-machine power system by unscented Kalman filter with enhanced numerical stability
J Qi, K Sun, J Wang, H Liu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (2), 1184-1196, 2018
EV dispatch control for supplementary frequency regulation considering the expectation of EV owners
H Liu, J Qi, J Wang, P Li, C Li, H Wei
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (4), 3763-3772, 2018
Multi objective Optimization for Smart Integrated Energy System Considering Demand Responses and Dynamic Prices
D Zhang, H Zhu, H Zhang, HH Goh, H Liu, T Wu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021
Comparisons on Kalman-Filter-Based Dynamic State Estimation Algorithms of Power Systems
H Liu, F Hu, J Su, X Wei, R Qin
IEEE Access 8, 51035-51043, 2020
Key technologies for smart energy systems: Recent developments, challenges, and research opportunities in the context of carbon neutrality
H Zhu, HH Goh, D Zhang, T Ahmad, H Liu, S Wang, S Li, T Liu, H Dai, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production, 129809, 2021
Optimal dispatch for participation of electric vehicles in frequency regulation based on area control error and area regulation requirement
H Liu, K Huang, N Wang, J Qi, Q Wu, S Ma, C Li
Real-time vehicle-to-grid control for frequency regulation with high frequency regulating signal
H Liu, K Huang, Y Yang, H Wei, S Ma
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 3 (1), 13, 2018
Sequence to point learning based on bidirectional dilated residual network for non-intrusive load monitoring
Z Jia, L Yang, Z Zhang, H Liu, F Kong
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 129, 106837, 2021
Lyapunov-based decentralized excitation control for global asymptotic stability and voltage regulation of multi-machine power systems
H Liu, Z Hu, Y Song
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27 (4), 2262-2270, 2012
Long-term stability analysis of power systems with wind power based on stochastic differential equations: Model development and foundations
X Wang, HD Chiang, J Wang, H Liu, T Wang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (4), 1534-1542, 2015
Deep Forest Regression for Short-Term Load Forecasting of Power Systems
L Yin, Z Sun, F Gao, H Liu
IEEE Access 8, 49090-49099, 2020
Conversion of landfilled waste-to-electricity (WTE) for energy efficiency improvement in Shenzhen (China): A strategy to contribute to resource recovery of unused methane for …
X Liang, TA Kurniawan, HH Goh, D Zhang, W Dai, H Liu, KC Goh, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 369, 133078, 2022
An optimized design of residential integrated energy system considering the power-to-gas technology with multi-functional characteristics
D Zhang, H Zhu, H Zhang, HH Goh, H Liu, T Wu
Energy 238, 121774, 2022
Nonlinear Model Reduction in Power Systems by Balancing of Empirical Controllability and Observability Covariances
ADD J Qi, J Wang, H Liu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (1), 114-126, 2017
Deep learning-based robust dc fault protection scheme for meshed HVdc grids
MZ Yousaf, H Liu, A Raza, A Mustafa
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022
Frequency droop control with scheduled charging of electric vehicles
H Liu, Y Yang, J Qi, J Li, H Wei, P Li
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (3), 649-656, 2017
A Survey on Power Grid Cyber Security: From Component-Wise Vulnerability Assessment to System-Wide Impact Analysis
X Huang, Z Qin, H Liu
IEEE Access 6, 69023-69035, 2018
A comprehensive overview of modeling approaches and optimal control strategies for cyber-physical resilience in power systems
D Zhang, C Li, HH Goh, T Ahmad, H Zhu, H Liu, T Wu
Renewable Energy, 2022
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