Antonio Cicchetti
Antonio Cicchetti
Associate Professor, Mälardalen University
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Automating co-evolution in model-driven engineering
A Cicchetti, D Di Ruscio, R Eramo, A Pierantonio
2008 12th International IEEE enterprise distributed object computing …, 2008
Comparison of cross-platform mobile development tools
M Palmieri, I Singh, A Cicchetti
2012 16th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation …, 2012
A metamodel independent approach to difference representation.
A Cicchetti, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio
J. Object Technol. 6 (9), 165-185, 2007
JTL: a bidirectional and change propagating transformation language
A Cicchetti, D Di Ruscio, R Eramo, A Pierantonio
Software Language Engineering: Third International Conference, SLE 2010 …, 2011
Multi-view approaches for software and system modelling: a systematic literature review
A Cicchetti, F Ciccozzi, A Pierantonio
Software and Systems Modeling 18, 3207-3233, 2019
Managing model conflicts in distributed development
A Cicchetti, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 11th International …, 2008
Managing dependent changes in coupled evolution
A Cicchetti, D Di Ruscio, A Pierantonio
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, 35-51, 2009
CHESS: a model-driven engineering tool environment for aiding the development of complex industrial systems
A Cicchetti, F Ciccozzi, S Mazzini, S Puri, M Panunzio, A Zovi, ...
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2012
Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic review
A Bucaioni, A Cicchetti, F Ciccozzi
Software and Systems Modeling 21 (5), 1959-1981, 2022
GDF: a Gamification Design Framework powered by Model-Driven Engineering
A Bucchiarone, A Cicchetti, A Marconi
In IEEE/ACM 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2019
Choosing component origins for software intensive systems: In-house, COTS, OSS or outsourcing?—A case survey
K Petersen, D Badampudi, SMA Shah, K Wnuk, T Gorschek, ...
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 44 (3), 237-261, 2017
A generic in-place transformation-based approach to structured model co-evolution
B Meyers, M Wimmer, A Cicchetti, J Sprinkle
4th Int. Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling - Electronic Communications of …, 2011
A hybrid approach for multi-view modeling
A Cicchetti, F Ciccozzi, T Leveque
Electronic Communications of the EASST 50, 2012
Round-trip support for extra-functional property management in model-driven engineering of embedded systems
F Ciccozzi, A Cicchetti, M Sjödin
Information and Software Technology 55 (6), 1085-1100, 2013
Uml-based modeling of non-functional requirements in telecommunication systems
M Saadatmand, A Cicchetti, M Sjödin
The Sixth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA …, 2011
Multi-paradigm modeling for cyber-physical systems: A systematic mapping review
A Barišić, I Ruchkin, D Savić, MA Mohamed, R Al-Ali, LW Li, H Mkaouar, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 183, 111081, 2022
User-centered requirements engineering to manage the fuzzy front-end of open innovation in e-health: A study on support systems for seniors’ physical activity
M Ehn, M Derneborg, Å Revenäs, A Cicchetti
International Journal of Medical Informatics 154, 104547, 2021
Toward model-based trade-off analysis of non-functional requirements
M Saadatmand, A Cicchetti, M Sjödin
2012 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2012
Moves: A model-driven methodology for vehicular embedded systems
A Bucaioni, L Addazi, A Cicchetti, F Ciccozzi, R Eramo, S Mubeen, ...
IEEE Access 6, 6424-6445, 2018
Semantic-based Model Matching with EMFCompare
L Addazi, A Cicchetti, J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio, L Iovino, A Pierantonio
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME) co-located …, 2016
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