Karen Coelho
Karen Coelho
Madras Institute of Development Studies
Верификована је имејл адреса на mids.ac.in
The politics of civil society: neighbourhood associationism in Chennai
K Coelho, T Venkat
Economic and Political Weekly, 358-367, 2009
The spatial reproduction of urban poverty: Labour and livelihoods in a slum resettlement colony
K Coelho, T Venkat, R Chandrika
Economic and Political Weekly, 53-63, 2012
Infrastructures of consent: Interrogating citizen participation mandates in Indian urban governance
K Coelho, L Kamath, M Vijaybaskar
IDS Working Papers 2011 (362), 01-33, 2011
Salvaging and scapegoating: slum evictions on Chennai's waterways
K Coelho, NV Raman
Economic and Political Weekly, 19-23, 2010
From the frying pan to the floodplain: negotiating land, water, and fire in Chennai’s development
K Coelho, N Raman
Ecologies of urbanism in India: Metropolitan civility and sustainability …, 2013
Tapping in: Leaky sovereignties and engineered (dis) order in an urban water system
K Coelho
Sarai Reader 6, 497-509, 2006
Outsiders in the periphery: studies of the peripheralisation of low income housing in Ahmedabad and Chennai, India
K Coelho, D Mahadevia, G Williams
International Journal of Housing Policy 22 (4), 543-569, 2022
Unstating the public: An ethnography of reform in an urban water utility in South India
K Coelho
The aid effect: Giving and governing in international development, 171-195, 2005
Participolis: consent and contention in Neoliberal Urban India
K Coelho, L Kamath, M Vijayabaskar
Taylor & Francis, 2020
(Im) mobility at the margins: low-income households’ experiences of peripheral resettlement in India and South Africa
G Williams, S Charlton, K Coelho, D Mahadevia, P Meth
Housing Studies 37 (6), 910-931, 2022
Housing, homes and domestic work: a study of paid domestic workers from a resettlement colony in Chennai
K Coelho, T Venkat, R Chandrika
Economic and Political Weekly, 39-46, 2013
On the charts, off the tracks: Disconnected development in Ambur Town, Tamil Nadu
K Coelho, M Vijayabaskar
Economic and Political Weekly, 101-110, 2014
Urban poverty in India: Tools, treatment and politics at the neo-liberal turn
K Coelho, A Maringanti
Economic and Political Weekly, 39-43, 2012
Tenements, ghettos, or neighbourhoods? Outcomes of slum-clearance interventions in Chennai
K Coelho
Review of Development and Change 21 (1), 111-136, 2016
Of engineers, rationalities, and rule: An ethnography of neoliberal reform in an urban water utility in South India
K Coelho
The University of Arizona, 2004
Reading history and power in urban landscapes: The lens of urban political ecology
K Coelho
Ecology, economy and society-the INSEE journal 1 (2), 19-30, 2018
The slow road to the private: a case study of neoliberal water reforms in Chennai
K Coelho
Water Governance in Motion: Towards Socially and Environmentally Sustainable …, 2010
Long-term implications of humanitarian responses: The case of Chennai
G Jain, C Singh, K Coelho, T Malladi
International Institute for Environment and Development, 2017
Urban studies in India across the millennial turn: Histories and futures
K Coelho, A Sood
Urban Studies 59 (13), 2613-2637, 2022
Lines in the mud: tank eco-restoration and boundary contestations in Chennai
K Coelho
Urbanisation 5 (2), 121-139, 2020
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