Dharmendra  Pratap SINGH
Dharmendra Pratap SINGH
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Association of electroencephalogram trajectories during emergence from anaesthesia with delirium in the postanaesthesia care unit: an early sign of postoperative complications
S Hesse, M Kreuzer, D Hight, A Gaskell, P Devari, D Singh, NB Taylor, ...
British journal of anaesthesia 122 (5), 622-634, 2019
Recent progress and future perspectives on carbon-nanomaterial-dispersed liquid crystal composites
A Kumar, DP Singh, G Singh
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (8), 083002, 2021
Dielectric and electro-optical study of ZnO nano rods doped ferroelectric liquid crystals
R Manohar, AK Srivastava, PK Tripathi, DP Singh
Journal of materials science 46, 5969-5976, 2011
Room temperature discotic liquid crystalline triphenylene-pentaalkynylbenzene dyads as an emitter in blue OLEDs and their charge transfer complexes with ambipolar charge …
I Bala, WY Yang, SP Gupta, J De, RAK Yadav, DP Singh, DK Dubey, ...
J. Mater. Chem. C 7 (19), 5724-5738, 2019
CdSe quantum dot-dispersed DOBAMBC: an electro-optical study
SK Gupta, DP Singh, PK Tripathi, R Manohar, M Varia, LK Sagar, ...
Liquid Crystals, 1-6, 2013
Quenching of photoluminescence and enhanced contrast of ferroelectric liquid crystal dispersed with Cd1−XZnXS/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals
SM D.P. Singha, b, , , S. Pandeyb, S.K. Guptab, R. Manoharb, , , A. Daoudia ...
Journal of Luminescence 173, 250–256, 2016
Core/shell quantum dots in ferroelectric liquid crystals matrix: effect of spontaneous polarisation coupling with dopant
S Pandey, T Vimal, DP Singh, SK Gupta, G Pathak, R Katiyar, R Manohar
Liquid Crystals 43 (7), 980-993, 2016
Room temperature perylene based columnar liquid crystals as solid-state fluorescent emitters in solution-processable organic light-emitting diodes
I Bala, N Singh, RAK Yadav, J De, SP Gupta, DP Singh, DK Dubey, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8 (36), 12485-12494, 2020
Dielectric, electro-optical, and photoluminescence characteristics of ferroelectric liquid crystals on a graphene-coated indium tin oxide substrate
DP Singh, SK Gupta, T Vimal, R Manohar
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 90, 022501, 2014
Applicability of MELD as a short‐term prognostic indicator in patients with chronic liver disease: An Indian experience
P Mishra, N Desai, J Alexander, DP Singh, P Sawant
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 22 (8), 1232-1235, 2007
The scientific duo of TiO2 nanoparticles and nematic liquid crystal E204: Increased absorbance, photoluminescence quenching and improving response time for electro-optical devices
BP Singh, CY Huang, DP Singh, P Palani, B Duponchel, M Sah, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 325, 115130, 2021
Enhanced negative dielectric anisotropy and high electrical conductivity of the SWCNT doped nematic liquid crystalline material
T Vimal, S Pandey, SK Gupta, DP Singh, R Manohar
Journal of Molecular Liquids 204, 21-26, 2015
Nanoparticles alter the withanolide biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in Withania somnifera (Dunal),
PAS R. Singh, D. P. Singh, P. Gupta, P. Jain, Sanchita, T. Mishra, A. Kumar ...
Industrial Crops and Products 127, 94–109, 2019
Electrical and polarization behaviour of titania nanoparticles doped ferroelectric liquid crystal
SK Gupta, DP Singh, R Manohar
Advanced Materials Letters 6 (1), 68-72, 2015
Cd1-x Zn x S/ZnS core/shell quantum dot ferroelectric liquid crystal composite system: analysis of faster optical response and lower operating voltage
S Pandey, T Vimal, DP Singh, SK Gupta, P Tripathi, C Phadnis, ...
Liquid Crystals 41 (12), 1811-1820, 2014
Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Matrix Dispersed with Cu doped ZnO Nanoparticles
MCRM Dharmendra Pratap Singh, Swadesh Kumar Gupta, S P
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solid 363, 178–186, 2013
Thermal and optical study of semiconducting CNTs-doped nematic liquid crystalline material
T Vimal, DP Singh, SK Gupta, S Pandey, K Agrahari, R Manohar
Phase Transitions 89 (6), 632-642, 2016
Reduced ionic contaminations in CdSe quantum dot dispersed ferroelectric liquid crystal and its applications
SKRM Dharmendra Pratap Singha, Swadesh Kumar Guptaa
Liquid Crystals, 2014
Carbon dot-dispersed hexabutyloxytriphenylene discotic mesogens: structural, morphological and charge transport behavior
P Mahesh, A Shah, K Swamynathan, DP Singh, R Douali, S Kumar
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8 (27), 9252-9261, 2020
A bridged Ruthenium dimer (Ru-Ru) for photoreduction of CO2 under visible light irradiation
BBSLJ A. Kumar, P. Kumar, D. P. Singh
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 61, 381, 2018
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