Luana Ladu
Bridging the gaps for a ‘circular’bioeconomy: Selection criteria, bio-based value chain and stakeholder mapping
K Lokesh, L Ladu, L Summerton
Sustainability 10 (6), 1695, 2018
Studying the transition towards a circular bioeconomy—a systematic literature review on transition studies and existing barriers
A Gottinger, L Ladu, R Quitzow
Sustainability 12 (21), 8990, 2020
Comparing policy strategies for a transition to a bioeconomy in Europe: The case of Italy and Germany
E Imbert, L Ladu, P Morone, R Quitzow
Energy Research & Social Science 33, 70-81, 2017
The role of the policy mix in the transition toward a circular forest bioeconomy
L Ladu, E Imbert, R Quitzow, P Morone
Forest policy and economics 110, 101937, 2020
Gaps and research demand for sustainability certification and standardisation in a sustainable bio-based economy in the EU
S Majer, S Wurster, D Moosmann, L Ladu, B Sumfleth, D Thrän
Sustainability 10 (7), 2455, 2018
Overview of policies, standards and certifications supporting the European bio-based economy
L Ladu, K Blind
Current opinion in green and sustainable chemistry 8, 30-35, 2017
The transition towards a bio-based economy: A comparative study based on social network analysis
E Imbert, L Ladu, A Tani, P Morone
Journal of Environmental Management 230, 255-265, 2019
Holistic approach in the evaluation of the sustainability of bio-based products: An Integrated Assessment Tool
L Ladu, P Morone
Sustainable Production and Consumption 28, 911-924e6, 2021
Bio-based economy: policy framework and foresight thinking
L Ladu, R Quitzow
Food Waste Reduction and Valorisation: Sustainability Assessment and Policy …, 2017
Strengths and gaps of the EU frameworks for the sustainability assessment of bio-based products and bioenergy
D Moosmann, S Majer, S Ugarte, L Ladu, S Wurster, D Thrän
Energy, Sustainability and Society 10, 1-19, 2020
Bio-based products in the automotive industry: the need for ecolabels, standards, and regulations
S Wurster, L Ladu
Sustainability 12 (4), 1623, 2020
Technology adoption and digital maturity in the conformity assessment industry: Empirical evidence from an international study
L Ladu, C Koch, PA Ashari, K Blind, P Castka
Technology in Society 77, 102564, 2024
Barriers to transitioning to a circular bio-based economy: Findings from an industrial perspective
E Dace, A Cascavilla, M Bianchi, E Chioatto, E Zecca, L Ladu, G Yilan
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2024
Standardisation in the context of science and regulation: An analysis of the Bioeconomy
A Gottinger, L Ladu, K Blind
Environmental Science & Policy 147, 188-200, 2023
The governance of genome editing techniques for the European bio-based industry
L Ladu
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 23 (2), 165-180, 2021
Bridging the gaps for a ‘circular’bioeconomy: selection criteria, bio-based value chain and stakeholder mapping. Sustainability. 2018; 10 (6): 1695
K Lokesh, L Ladu, L Summerton
Bio-based products: Suggestions for ecolabel criteria and standards in line with sustainable development goals
S Wurster, L Ladu, D Arisaktiwardhana
International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR) 17 (1), 23-39, 2019
Supportive regulations and standards to encourage a level playing field for the bio-based economy
L Ladu, M Vrins
International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR) 17 (1), 58-73, 2019
Gaps and research demand for sustainability certification and standardisation in a sustainable bio-based economy in the EU. Sustainability 10 (7): 2455
S Majer, S Wurster, D Moosmann, L Ladu, B Sumfleth, D Thrän
Bridging the gaps for a ‘Circular’bioeconomy: selection criteria, bio-based value chain and stakeholder mapping. Sustainability, 10, 1695
K Lokesh, L Ladu, L Summerton
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