Pawel Grygiel
Pawel Grygiel
The Institute of Pedagogy at Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland)
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Validating the Polish Adaptation of the 11-Item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale
P Grygiel, G Humenny, S Rebisz, P Świtaj, J Sikorska
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 29 (2), 129-139, 2013
Extent and predictors of stigma experienced by patients with schizophrenia
P Świtaj, J Wciórka, J Smolarska-Świtaj, P Grygiel
European Psychiatry 24 (8), 513-520, 2009
Attitudes of students toward people with disabilities, moral identity and inclusive education—A two-level analysis
G Szumski, J Smogorzewska, P Grygiel
Research in developmental disabilities 102, 103685, 2020
The intensity and correlates of the feelings of loneliness in people with psychosis
A Chrostek, P Grygiel, M Anczewska, J Wciórka, P Świtaj
Comprehensive Psychiatry 70, 190-199, 2016
Peer rejection and perceived quality of relations with schoolmates among children with ADHD
P Grygiel, G Humenny, S Rębisz, E Bajcar, P Świtaj
Journal of attention disorders 22 (8), 738-751, 2018
Examining the effectiveness of naturalistic social skills training in developing social skills and theory of mind in preschoolers with ASD
G Szumski, J Smogorzewska, P Grygiel, AM Orlando
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 49, 2822-2837, 2019
Loneliness mediates the relationship between internalised stigma and depression among patients with psychotic disorders
P Świtaj, P Grygiel, M Anczewska, J Wciórka
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 60 (8), 733-740, 2014
Experiences of discrimination and the feelings of loneliness in people with psychotic disorders: the mediating effects of self-esteem and support seeking
P Świtaj, P Grygiel, M Anczewska, J Wciórka
Comprehensive Psychiatry 59, 73-79, 2015
The relationship between internalized stigma and quality of life among people with mental illness: are self-esteem and sense of coherence sequential mediators?
P Świtaj, P Grygiel, A Chrostek, I Nowak, J Wciórka, M Anczewska
Quality of Life Research 26, 2471-2478, 2017
Theory of mind goes to school: Does educational environment influence the development of theory of mind in middle childhood?
J Smogorzewska, G Szumski, P Grygiel
Plos One 15 (8), e0237524, 2020
Connected to create: A social network analysis of friendship ties and creativity.
AS McKay, P Grygiel, M Karwowski
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 11 (3), 284, 2017
Using the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale With Early Adolescents: Factor Structure, Reliability, Stability, and External Validity
P Grygiel, G Humenny, S Rębisz
Assessment, doi: 10.1177/1073191116682298, 2016
Theory of mind development in school environment: A case of children with mild intellectual disability learning in inclusive and special education classrooms
J Smogorzewska, G Szumski, P Grygiel
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 32 (5), 1241-1254, 2019
Academic achievement of students without special educational needs and disabilities in inclusive education–Does the type of inclusion matter?
G Szumski, J Smogorzewska, P Grygiel
Plos one 17 (7), e0270124, 2022
Same or different? Theory of mind among children with and without disabilities
J Smogorzewska, G Szumski, P Grygiel
PloS one 13 (10), e0202553, 2018
Academic self-concept and achievement in Polish primary schools: cross-lagged modelling and gender-specific effects
P Grygiel, M Modzelewski, J Pisarek
European Journal of Psychology of Education 32, 407-429, 2017
Experiences of stigma and discrimination among users of mental health services in Poland
P Świtaj, J Wciórka, P Grygiel, M Anczewska, E Schaeffer, K Tyczyński, ...
Transcultural Psychiatry 49 (1), 51-68, 2012
Exploring factors associated with the psychosocial impact of stigma among people with schizophrenia or affective disorders
P Świtaj, A Chrostek, P Grygiel, J Wciórka, M Anczewska
Community mental health journal 52, 370-378, 2016
Theory of mind and peer attachment in adolescence
M Białecka‐Pikul, M Stępień‐Nycz, M Szpak, P Grygiel, S Bosacki, ...
Journal of Research on Adolescence 31 (4), 1202-1217, 2021
Szkolne pytania: wyniki badań nad efektywnością nauczania w klasach IV-VI
R Dolata, P Grygiel, D Jankowska, E Jarnutowska, A Jasińska-Maciążek, ...
Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, 2015
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