A study of the microstructural evolution during selective laser melting of Ti–6Al–4V L Thijs, F Verhaeghe, T Craeghs, J Van Humbeeck, JP Kruth Acta materialia 58 (9), 3303-3312, 2010 | 3335 | 2010 |
Residual stresses in selective laser sintering and selective laser melting P Mercelis, JP Kruth Rapid prototyping journal 12 (5), 254-265, 2006 | 2364 | 2006 |
Selective laser melting of iron-based powder JP Kruth, L Froyen, J Van Vaerenbergh, P Mercelis, M Rombouts, ... Journal of materials processing technology 149 (1-3), 616-622, 2004 | 2164 | 2004 |
Fine-structured aluminium products with controllable texture by selective laser melting of pre-alloyed AlSi10Mg powder L Thijs, K Kempen, JP Kruth, J Van Humbeeck Acta Materialia 61 (5), 1809-1819, 2013 | 2104 | 2013 |
Progress in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping JP Kruth, MC Leu, T Nakagawa Cirp Annals 47 (2), 525-540, 1998 | 2048 | 1998 |
Heat treatment of Ti6Al4V produced by Selective Laser Melting: Microstructure and mechanical properties B Vrancken, L Thijs, JP Kruth, J Van Humbeeck Journal of alloys and Compounds 541, 177-185, 2012 | 2041 | 2012 |
Binding mechanisms in selective laser sintering and selective laser melting JP Kruth, P Mercelis, J Van Vaerenbergh, L Froyen, M Rombouts Rapid prototyping journal 11 (1), 26-36, 2005 | 1916 | 2005 |
Consolidation phenomena in laser and powder-bed based layered manufacturing JP Kruth, G Levy, F Klocke, THC Childs CIRP annals 56 (2), 730-759, 2007 | 1888 | 2007 |
Rapid manufacturing and rapid tooling with layer manufacturing (LM) technologies, state of the art and future perspectives GN Levy, R Schindel, JP Kruth CIRP annals 52 (2), 589-609, 2003 | 1706 | 2003 |
Selective laser melting of biocompatible metals for rapid manufacturing of medical parts B Vandenbroucke, JP Kruth Rapid Prototyping Journal 13 (4), 196-203, 2007 | 1335 | 2007 |
Materials for additive manufacturing D Bourell, JP Kruth, M Leu, G Levy, D Rosen, AM Beese, A Clare CIRP annals 66 (2), 659-681, 2017 | 1291 | 2017 |
Lasers and materials in selective laser sintering JP Kruth, X Wang, T Laoui, L Froyen Assembly Automation 23 (4), 357-371, 2003 | 1182 | 2003 |
Material incress manufacturing by rapid prototyping techniques JP Kruth CIRP annals 40 (2), 603-614, 1991 | 1125 | 1991 |
Wohlers report 2018: 3D printing and additive manufacturing state of the industry: annual worldwide progress report I Campbell, O Diegel, J Kowen, T Wohlers Wohlers associates, 2018 | 1099* | 2018 |
Mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg produced by selective laser melting K Kempen, L Thijs, J Van Humbeeck, JP Kruth Physics Procedia 39, 439-446, 2012 | 1015 | 2012 |
Computed tomography for dimensional metrology JP Kruth, M Bartscher, S Carmignato, R Schmitt, L De Chiffre, ... CIRP annals 60 (2), 821-842, 2011 | 980 | 2011 |
The effect of pore geometry on the in vitro biological behavior of human periosteum-derived cells seeded on selective laser-melted Ti6Al4V bone scaffolds S Van Bael, YC Chai, S Truscello, M Moesen, G Kerckhofs, ... Acta biomaterialia 8 (7), 2824-2834, 2012 | 859 | 2012 |
Industrial applications of computed tomography L De Chiffre, S Carmignato, JP Kruth, R Schmitt, A Weckenmann CIRP annals 63 (2), 655-677, 2014 | 831 | 2014 |
Composites by rapid prototyping technology S Kumar, JP Kruth Materials & design 31 (2), 850-856, 2010 | 811 | 2010 |
Selective laser melting of nano-TiB2 decorated AlSi10Mg alloy with high fracture strength and ductility XP Li, G Ji, Z Chen, A Addad, Y Wu, HW Wang, J Vleugels, ... Acta Materialia 129, 183-193, 2017 | 752 | 2017 |